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About wolfdogstinkus

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/08/1978

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  • Location
    Northamptonshire, U.K

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  1. And two four wheel drive With a 504s motor No wonder it did so well, it's that two four wheel drive system. 😆
  2. Thanks @urban warrior . I'm ok for rear rims now, found a load ages ago. Not had my quick drive out for ages, (not at all last year) must make an effort this year. The 12mm hex thing has got me thinking about touring car wheels, I know it's cheating a little bit but all the other cars in the speed run thread are 1/10 and it would give me some much needed ground clearance. Hmmmmmm. Lol
  3. Not mine, but I must have some spare because I did destroy a few gearboxes. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/155563949986?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=22Slubt5Qyq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=AmMhQ-pWTKq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. I'm sure I've got a few spare wheel hexes for the quick drive buggies, my trouble was never being able to find a wheel with such a small hex. I thought I'd found some Chinese wheels on eBay but I never bothered buying them as I had the Kyosho tyres by that point.
  5. I totally missed this stig reference, I mean I saw it and read it but didn't make the connection until now, I suppose I must have a reputation for making loads of corny Stig/ Clodbuster introductions, 😂 Some say that I will be parking my Clodbuster for a full 24 hours on Monday the 8th April which will cause a partial solar eclipse due to the Clodbuster being bigger than the sun. All we know is that it's called the Clodbuster. 😆
  6. He was running a 50mph Dt02 before he could walk. Lol
  7. The boys a pilot, lol. How on earth did he not flip it over when he had it up on 3 wheels. Lol. He was only 6 back then. Kids are quick. I couldn't control that machine as well as he did.
  8. Then, there was this,.... Some say that my Clodbuster is so powerful that when you push the throttle, it doesn't travel forwards, it actually pushes the world backwards. All we know is that it's called the Clodbuster.
  9. Tamiya 6x6 wild dagger running gear joined with a custom frame rail. How it was when I first built it. It climbs It runs.
  10. If you're going full custom, Those plastic cogs maybe the only thing left of the original model. 😂 😆 Maybe the wheels, tyres and body as well.
  11. Try UK monsters?, not sure if they do pinion gears but plenty there to keep your wallet busy. Some say,,.,...............that the Clodbuster doesn't need upgrades "the original power and suspension gives it character and charm", All we know is,.........those people are wrong and it's called the Clodbuster.
  12. Don't think there is enough clearance on stock suspension. Twin brushless is probably cheaper, less maintenance and easy to adjust with a program card.
  13. One car is pointing right and one is pointing left!!. Hope that helps. Lol. Oh also, as you know, if you zoom in, you can read the description on the box.
  14. At the start, every time the bed broke, I was thinking, "make it a tipper" but I was about 3 years too late. Next time the bed breaks, make it a tipping bed!!!!!. It will probably never break now. Then build a hidden compartment in the tipping bed, full of marbles to give you a dastardly advantage in any wacky races you might participate in.
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