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About netsmithUK

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/25/1967

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  • Location
    UK, Nottingham
  • Interests
    Photography,Kites and RC cars.

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  1. Done https://tcphotos.net/Torhaantje visit and go through the reset/forgot password on tcphotos to set up a new one. This only sets the password for tcphotos and doesn’t change anything on the club sorry for the delay
  2. Should be done now https://tcphotos.net/Ferruz just use the password reminder process on that site. NOTE THIS DOES NOT CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD ANYWHERE ELSE JUST ON TCPHOTOS
  3. No hacking just me not doing house keeping properly - sorry for that. Back on it now
  4. Sorted. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  5. Sorry that’s a PayPal message that’s nothing to do with tamiyaclub. Try contacting them direct
  6. Will look into the error. As long as you see the subscriber sticker on your profile page and can see the option to add items to your showroom you should be ok. chris
  7. Ok a few things going off here to clear up. the main site, the forum and photos all use different password systems and have different reset processes. Resetting/changing your password DOES NOT RESET EITHER OF THE OTHER TWO just the one you reset it on. So if you change the main site password the forum password will still be what it was before. if tcphotos is saying it sent you the email, then it has sent it out and it’s likely something somewhere is blocking it, either on your email server or local machine. All I can do in that instance is set the password to something else
  8. Ok a few things going off here to clear up. the main site, the forum and photos all use different password systems and have different reset processes. Resetting/changing your password DOES NOT RESET EITHER OF THE OTHER TWO just the one you reset it on. So if you change the main site password the forum password will still be what it was before. if tcphotos is saying it sent you the email, then it has sent it out and it’s likely something somewhere is blocking it, either on your email server or local machine. All I can do in that instance is set the password to something else
  9. Go here and do password reminder https://tcphotos.net/Losi_XXT_CR take note of slightly different username
  10. Not sure about the error at the moment but payment seems ok so will add you to tc photos - back to you shortly
  11. TCPhotos is just for paying subscribers and it doesn't look like you are Im afraid. Subscription is £15/yr and gets you your own showroom, entry in to the competitions (and the Christmas one is fantastic), trade area etc. TCPhotos is a free additional service you get that allows you to host any type of photos you want. https://www.tamiyaclub.com/paymentinstructions.asp
  12. Hey Jonathon I'll be in NZ from this week from the 30th. Still not quite sure of the itinerary but will be Auckland at the beginning and end of the trip. I'll drop you a private email if you are still up for meeting up. Cheers Chris
  13. I have to set these up manually. It has now been set up. https://tcphotos.net/Tamiya_Fan_1 Try the password reset with your email. NOTE: you username has _ instead of spaces and also changing your password on tcphotos does NOT change your logins to either the main site or the forum - they run their own separate systems.
  14. I'll get that set up for you. Will also check out the error message you got (if you see the 'subscriber' icon over your profile image on the main site its works ok)
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