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About drc35

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    NB Canada

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  1. I think this was done quite a while ago as I have had bodies for both on backorder for about a year,they do not sell very well and i have plenty of upgrades and a couple of casees of TD2 and TD4s
  2. 2 Years of Wet Seasons with plenty of growth followed by two Dry seasons ? People were not maintaining their properties up clearing tinder dry dead growth is a Recipe for Disaster,The Insurance Companies knew it why was no on warned?
  3. The UK and much of Europe was froze up for Quite a few Winters Throughout the 1500s and lasted for 2 to 5 years at a time! Its not New and has Happened before and will probably happen again!
  4. Looking for parts and manual(or pictures) for flakpanzer gepard ,trying to get the radar spinning again and genral assembly
  5. Wanted Tamiya Decalset for 95 Mustang,would like the latest vesion but any would do
  6. FedEx is a courier does not care if its a toy or not if its over 75 CDN $ there coming after the Duties and Taxes(and they make lots of money off it to make out the paperwork ,now if it is sent through USPS that ties right into Canada Post and all the Extra Fees are Part of the Postal System and You pay only the Provincial Sales Taxes.
  7. Not going to preorder the 10T Fed up fighting over the 6 gear not knowing if I would get one,now I have 3 by mistake.,well thats what I tell myself? No parts support also ""really"" it gets at me also ! I paid almost 100$ more to order from AE site because of shipping and getting scalped by extra duty fees. . I bought one in Canada and it was 90$ cheaper,now the Dealer seeing the demand upped his retail price,PFFT! stuff it.
  8. Dear Valued Customer Team Associated is thrilled to celebrate our 60th anniversary alongside the release of the RC10T Classic. It's more than just a model; it's a journey back in time to a period when RC racing was at its peak. Get ready to unleash the power of the Stealth transmission and write your own chapter in RC racing history with the RC10T Classic by Team Associated. Pre-Order the limited edition, RC10T Classic Kit! Kits will begin shipping in late June! Don't miss your chance to celebrate history with Team Associated! Pre-order now at www.associatedelectrics.com
  9. AE shipped right after I called and I ordered on the 16th early morning last month, Now I have ordered from other places thinking I was not going to get this kit,now i will have too many! Its more expensive to order from AE website as one it crosses the boarder the Duties and taxes adds another 93$ CAD and a 50$ shipping fee is not a deal!
  10. I ordered on the 16th early am and was a little above 2900,still saying awaiting fulfillment so i do not think they took more than 4000 from AE`s Direct ordering??
  11. I emailed them Today (2nd of may)and they said they are shipping according to the day and time received,still no movement and I have one at 2500`s and another near 3000..
  12. Everything just about is out of stock? Do they make batches every so many months?
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