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About cantforgetthe80s

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  1. Yeah I get you on that. For me, I'm not really going out and bashing anymore so I really like the idea of a hyper lifelike dynamic model that can actually fire up once in a while so I'm an OG Tamiya fan exclusively. But that said, I totally understand about the clones.
  2. I actually said that and blamed our President for the poor economy. Seems was edited out...
  3. Seems lots of models for Vintage Hilux/blazer on ebay right now. Anyone think a re- release is in the works? Or everyone just aging out of the hobby?
  4. Isn't this the guy building a $3500 value NIB vintage Blazing Blazer kit?
  5. This is the hilux (?) gearcase. Maybe Bruiser also??
  6. Thanks, I figured they were old. So I have both front and rear of these (pictured). The box had an old gear case which is def hilux by I gotta go through it and see if all the parts are there for it.
  7. Inherited a box of what I assume to be vintage or re re Bruiser trans and axle parts. I don't have any need so I'm going to just auction off but was wondering if anyone could be willing to confirm? Thanks very much!
  8. Lol. I have to agree with this. But in their defense, I think we all feel a but of the same thing - we couldn't afford them when we were young, so we're trying to fill an emotional void now. Emotional security in numbers? That one guy though who passed (was it in Australia?) Had a ridiculous amount of stuff he was never going to get to in his lifetime. I also agree, the detail of the new stuff isn't as interesting, I would reserve that exclusively for modern racing buggies, and not in terms of engineering, but just the lack of realism. But I do notice a lack of popularity, especially on EBay, in accessories, vintage hop ups, etc, even trades I have posted, that sit now that didn't 5 or 7 years ago. To me it indicates those "old guys" are getting older and less interested.
  9. I had one with the screw head off. Then used a small left handed carbide drill bit. Nothing. Tried boiling it, used WD40. In another one tried drilling all the way through the screw but it took out too much of the aluminum with it. Torx bit couldn't grip the stripped out head on another. It caught for a moment then spun. The flathead screws holding the bumper mounting bracket were glued in as well. Salvaged two A arms. The bracket and one half of the gear case. Had to crack the bumper in half to work the worst - those two inset screws - out.
  10. Thanks all very much. Fortunately these are in re-re status. Because complete destruction of the gearbox was ultimately the only solution. A total of 5 different strategically placed screws with broken or stripped heads and 30 year old lock tite on the threads made alternative methods virtually impossible. Whatever they are making military tanks out of, they should reconsider using the brutal combo of material for these black Tamiya screws and ancient locktight. Good news is the Thorp diff is pristine and in tact. Although I see some rust in those internal screws also, so looking like a second project will be undertaken soon to refurb it ....
  11. Thanks. The torque bit I'll give it a shot, but these screws are harder than kryptonite lol. So the head on one is already completely off. But the screw is threaded into the metal frame and inset in the hole unfortunately so it has to get either drilled or screwed out as far as I can tell..
  12. Found a nice vintage Super Champ and the gearbox has an original Thorp ball diff installed - so I need to get the gearbox apart. Problem is the two inset black screws that hold the rear bumper in place are completly destroyed/ stripped at the head. I can't cut the aluminum case with a dremel wheel because the wheel will heat up and shatter. (From prior experience!) So those screws have to come out to take it apart. I was thinking carbide bits and just drill all the way through them, but after testing titanium bits on a sample screw it didn't seem to do much damage. My other thought was to try a carpenter's trick and create a slot on what's left of the screw and use a flathead to unwork it, but I can't figure what would cut into this screw effectively in such a tight channel. For reference in the photos, it's the two screws that inset into the rear bumper beneath the "FS" plate. Any thoughts would be appreciated. These things are literally bullet proof.. .Thanks!
  13. That sounds like a great scene! Tamiya could do some things to be more competitive I think overall. But still getting kids out there and engaged at that young age is great.
  14. Superhornet is a great car. Many of us remember the original Hornet 1 release. And similarly the Rough Rider was before I got into it by 9 years, but later in life I like those cars for the uniqueness and realism. So point well taken.
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