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About diggernz

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  • Birthday 01/16/1971

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  1. Ive never seen the steel gear go like that tho!How have you found your Terra Crusher?
  2. These parts are still available. TGM02 chassis. Some TNX parts are the same.My rc man got mine through Tamiya USA i believe.I needed that center gear as well.
  3. I use tamiya 2wd/4wd rear buggy shocks on all 4 corners of my twin det.dual hunter chassis.Stick to a single battery if you can imo.I cant justify spending to much on a truck like this.It is a good truck, but has its limits.Tough.
  4. 550 motors are 10mm longer if i remember correctly. The diameter is the same and the motor mount holes line up just a longer can. 550 will fit in a baja king TL01b but not a tlo1 touring car.The suspension arms are to short on the touring car and motor hits inside of wheel. No probelem on a buggy chassis as the arms are longer.Do you not have enuff room on the Clod?
  5. Thats a great site, It really helped me out. the BFX is a great truck i have found, I have a 20tooth pinion and the BZ motor with a Apex 18turn ESC.The ESC can get very hot but I am using 3800nimh batteries and drive it hard. I mean very hard. Use the rear shocks of a 2wd Buggy for a cheap shock upgrade to oil filled.I have Dessert Gator and Dark Impact rear shocks on 4 corners of my BFXtreme. Place a small piece of rubber at the bottom of the shock shaft so it has a bump stop when the shocks bottom out and put thicker oil in the shocks. If thats not stiff enuff go down to the single hole piston in the shocks if you still dont have enough dampening in you shocks when out driving.. Bearings all round after my plastic bushings slogged out, decent servo for steering, I have a HPI savage steering servo,I find leaving the tyres unglued acts as a slipper clutch a bit, as it says in the manual, and rubber bands around the rims under the tyre beads can limit this slipping action.The BZ and 20t pinion are a great upgrade for this truck,That and oil shocks and she is a great bashing truck that will do doughnuts all day and really is a fun truck that you can pass to a mate and he wont break it in 5 minutes, well theres alot less chance he will, as these Blackfoot Extremes are super tamiya tough. imo. Even with the silver can it would do wheelies on high grip surfaces with the new tyres still intact, All the pins have long gone but that tractor tread is hard wearing and may never wear out.
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