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About Wireless

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  • Birthday 01/14/1977

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    UK / Switzerland

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  1. Can't believe this thread is still going...! Some great rides here. My trusty Outlander is no more, replaced by this...
  2. Can't believe this thread is still going...! Latest Wireless mobile below...
  3. Most welcome. Most people don't even remember what she is these days...! Must have been great to see these cars in action back in the day in Australia. Bucket list for me to get to Bathurst one day. You're quite right that she's kind of rare as Brocky was Holden's golden boy (and frankly a hero - let's face it...!). Here's a quirky fact for you - There aren't any Ford badges on my car as Brocky refused to drive her with the blue oval on it. On the grille the Ford badge is removed and is replaced with Letraset style stickers reading BROCK. Edit - Here's Wanneroo for you 1989 Wanneroo ATCC
  4. Close...! RS500. Yes she did. She's one of the 2 genuine Brock cars remaining. My car was driven by Brocky in 1989 and 1990, the second team car was crushed in the 90's to avoid paying tax and the third car is owned by Andrew Miedecke in Port Macquarie. Prior to going to Aus for the 1989 season, my car was Andy Rouses 1988 Kaliber car. I'm very fortunate. She is super original and has a wonderful provenance. A couple of videos of my old girl in action back in the day...: Soper vs. Rouse at Brands Hatch Brocky at Oran Park in the 1989 ATCC
  5. Some interesting machines to play with - Great little selection - Well done...! 30k in 20 year is peanuts for a Fiesta. It must be very clean...
  6. Aside from the fact you'd have made good money, you've got to love them to have one really. They aren't all that to drive (well, in RS500 form at least). A bit flexy but they are light and when you give them the power like that of the Gp.A car, thy don't have get a shovel on. My Cerbera is 1120kg and has a trick motor in it giving around 420bhp. The Gp.A Sierra above is 430bhp (it's the original Rouse motor so I'm not running full boost) and 1080kg but feels a lot quicker because of how the power comes on like a light switch. Exciting at any rate...!!!
  7. VID-20180806-WA0006.mp4 For anyone that might like old Fords - Here's my old girl enjoying a quick squirt round Silverstone...
  8. Yesssssss. Liking the wheels...! I have Her sister...
  9. Great work Chris @netsmithUK ...! Turned out really well I think. Thanks to all for the positive feedback - I hope that my incessant droning didn't put you all to sleep Zzz @Re-Bugged Birdbath got away lightly I think. I probably nailed the car into something on my second run though...!
  10. @netsmithUK It was really great to catch up on Saturday Chris - I calculate it's been at least 12 years since we last saw each other, yet we picked up like it had been 12 days...! It was a pleasure to have you visiting and allow me to get involved in your project. Good to hear that the day was as successful as you hoped. We did cover a ton of stuff, some things I realised later I missed out but if there are any additional things you need, then let me know. It was quite surprising how so much of our history correlated - I suspect that it'll become a bit of a theme as you speak with others. Thanks also for the links - I've already started a nosey into them. Surprised you hadn't already seen "Dirt" - Bizarre but brilliant. I'll get the videos we mentioned through to you as soon as I can, but let me know if you need anything else It goes without saying, if you're up this way again or passing then you're always welcome.
  11. Definitely dodgy for many reasons, many already given above: 1. RS500s were all produced in RHD. No exceptions. One car was converted to LHD but this is a known car in the club and the photo you show isn't it. 2. All RS500s were 'built' in 1987 (including prototypes). 3. Chassis number range is between 38600 to 39099. Anything else isn't an RS500. The car you show in the picture has a ton of things wrong with it. LHD, wrong wheels, wrong decals and looks like wrong lower boot spoiler as well. I am 100% sure it's not a genuine RS500. The key thing here is what defines genuine. Many people believe that if you take an RS Cosworth and add all RS500 parts then you have an RS500, but you don't. What you have is a replica. It might be better engineered than the real thing but it is nonetheless a replica. RS Cosworth value is approximately 40%-50% of the RS500 assuming like-for-like attributes (condition, mileage etc.) so the price is probably about right if it's half the expected cost. Hope this helps...! Rup
  12. No chap, I bought it in the UK back in 2005. At the point of me bringing it back from Switzerland to the UK in 2013, it was still the only genuine RS500 to have ever been homologated and given a Swiss grey card (like the UK log book / V5) so the only RS500 on Swiss registration plates. I did speak to a garage owner that claimed he also has an RS500 but when I looked at it, it was in fact a regular RS Cosworth with a few RS500 parts on it (and it was also left hand drive from new....!). As far as I know there are no other RS500s in Switzerland yet (or at least not homologated for road use) as a resident of Switzerland it is impossible to import one and make it road legal. Would be interested to know if there is another though as the RSOC / FRST club there would love to see it...! Sounds to me like not getting the RS500 was a good turn of fate for you and has turned into a fun business that came from a hobby which is always nice...!!!
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