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About markmws

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  1. Thanks Paul Links here: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:X:RTQ:GB:1348 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:X:RTQ:GB:1348 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:X:RTQ:GB:1123 Mark
  2. Hmmm - I've just stumbled on this thread again , I don't visit the Ebay forum too regularly , and haven't seen this since well before Xmas. Here's my experience with Southside for what it's worth , though having read the last few pages , it seems I was either very lucky , or the guy is being misunderstood In mid - November , there were 3 auctions running on Ebay for a NIB Black Porsche , a built brushless Black Porsche with all the hop - ups , and a Built Black Porsche with full lighting kit. ( I have just checked my emails , and at least one of the auctions is still viewable , but I don't think I'm allowed to post the link??) I sent a question , asking for a price for the 3 as a job lot , and after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing , we agreed on a price. He did not want to take Paypal on account of a recent dispute , so I agreed to do a bank transfer. Steve (as he signed his emails) , suggested I phone him for his bank details , as he had reservations about posting them in an email - so I duly called him . During the conversation , he mentioned the Paypal dispute , and the whole wood/rags saga , which bizzarrely I had read about on here a couple of days previously!! To be honest , he struck me as a genuine guy , and an enthusiast in the same way that many others on in TC who I have either met , or spoken to do , so I really had no worris with the bank transfer. I sent the money the next day , and the cars arrived 3 days later , as promised , and as described. I even sent a jokey email after they arrived , telling him how disappointed I was to open the package and find 3 toy cars instead of the lump of wood I was expecting , and recieved a pleasant reply the same day. Anyway - that's my experience with Southside - a nice simple deal , and seemingly a very pleasant guy to deal with. As I say - maybe I was just lucky - who knows?? Mark
  3. Actually - I did a couple of years ago TC members voted on this forum for either Vaillant or Jagermeister - you can see which won Can't wait to see the Scorcher finished.
  4. Mine have just arrived from Jason this morning - Numbers 762 and 833. The plan is to build one , to display alongside the original Black 934 new build that Rad and I completed last year.
  5. Thanks for those kind words Paul - I had actuallly meant to credit you in my previous post , as the catalyst to this project. Had we not made contact - my Black 934 would still be hiding in it's box in the storeroom - much better where it is now Anyway , whilst I was down with Rad , we decided we really should have a group shot of our 4 genuine Black 934 s together - and there is no better background than Rad's display cabinet. I would bet it is a long time since there have been 4 of these together at the same time !!!
  6. Well - better late than never , I finally got around to visiting Rad a couple of weeks ago to collect the finished article. I can't believe it has taken me so long I first saw the completed car back in June , when we called in on the way to Lemans. The intention was to stop off again on the way back , pick up the car , and take it home. Unfortunately , due to my own stupidity , (and an excess of Red Wine !! ) I had quite a bad accident on a quad bike - so this didn't happen Anyway , it's back now , and I couldn't be happier - Rad has done a fantastic job of assembling and detailing the body - here are some photos - though they don't really do it justice - it looks even better in the flesh !!!
  7. As mentioned earlier - the 30th Anniversary DOES firt the Ta 02 SW Chassis from the Taisan Porsche - I've done it - looky here - http://www.tamiyaclub.com/showroom_model.a...4&sid=13324 I think it actually looks better , due to the narrower rear track , and hence inset of the wheels.
  8. Thanks Paul PS - don't mention sheep to a Welshman !!
  9. Final installment for now - then I'll go away and let Paul carry on about his buses Despite the minor distraction of the birth of his baby daughter Sophie , Rad has again pulled out all the stops , and sent me these pictures last night ............. I'm sure you'll all agree this will look absolutely awesome when the decals are fitted - I really have to decide on the scheme now. Finally - congratulations to Rad and his wife on the new addition to their family - I am looking forward to meeting them all , when we meet up in June.
  10. OK - I'm back again . Inspired by Rad's excellent work , I thought it was about time I got some work done on the shell. A holiday in France gave me the opportunity to start the painting process. Firstly , the shell was sanded to remove all moulding lines , then masked internally to preserve the original black plastic. All parts were then given 3 or 4 coats of plastic primer , flatted between coats. Note the excellent painting stands!!! Next , the colour coats started - 6 in all , again flatted down between coats. After returning home , the shell was given several coats of lacquer , flatted , polished , then polished some more - till I was happy that I could do no more. Then , last week , I sent the shell and parts to Rad , for him to work his magic.
  11. OK - time for another update - where does the time go??? After further discussions with Rad , we agreed that I would paint and polish the body shell - (not too much to go wrong there) , then send it to him for final assembly , detailing and decalling - (not my strong point!!) Also , he very kindly agreed , as part of our deal , to paint the tyre lettering on some of my collection - so , before getting on to the 934 build , I have to show you what he did for me in an unbelievably short space of time - I think poor old Rad must have been squinting for days afterwards I still cannot believe the patience and skill of someone who can do this so well - and believe me , I have tried many , many times. Anyway - judge for yourselves ...........
  12. Just to update anyone who is interested in this thread , the build has now taken a rather different route. As I think I may have mentioned previously , I have begun to feel a little nervous about the building of the shell . While I am generally satisfied by my usual results , I am also well aware of my shortcomings , and seeing the quality of work achieved by several notable members of this very site - I felt that maybe I could use a little help. I mentioned this to Paul (loaded) , who very kindly put me in touch with Rad (rad22alloys) , with a view to painting the driver for me. After several conversations with Rad - a fellow enthusiast fo all things Porsche , and having studied his showroom more closely - I realised I would have to ask him for one of the biggest favours of all time - build the car for me!!! - Please !! Rad has very kindly agreed to do this , and we can now be confident that this will indeed be the best Black 934 in existence. I am going to keep the thread updated - but please note that all the work you see from now on will be Rad's and not mine. Once again the power of the TC community shines through - there really are some great people on here - Mark - SBPOCC (member no. 3)
  13. Chassis is now complete - so I guess I can't keep putting off making a start on the shell! So this is where we are at now ........
  14. Spooky ! - my favourite colour .............. now where do I find NIB orange crystal set ????
  15. OK - starting to make some progress now , found the elusive NI Acoms 227 ! This came about via TC , it belonged to j-man (Thanks a lot John) , but is now in my possesion , and will be fitted soon. The set is in superb unused condition , and has an interesting piece of history with it , which I must say I had forgotten all about! This will only mean anything to UK RC'ers of a certain age , but in the box is an application form for an RC operators licence , which was aa requirement back in the 1970's. Priced at a pocket - money busting 2.80 , and valid for 5 years - I do remember now having on myself - but I can't for the life of me think how or if it was ever enforced.
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