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Posts posted by aid232

  1. Thanks yeah I looked but didnt see anyone selling tyres and rims together anyone in particular to look for on ebay?


    Try ebay seller catmand11r - ebay shop 'Prices Model Trucks' I've bought loads of things from him in the past and the service has always been good.

    Even if he hasn't got any listed, send him a message and he will probably be able to sort you out with some..



  2. I want to lock the diffs on my King Hauler...but ideally using an engineered solution rather than hot glue or the XC type locking method. I know I can buy locking axles, but I'd really like to know if anyone out there has made their own and if so, how? I have had a look, and nothing springs to mind.

    Also, does locking either or both of the axles affect the turning circle adversely? I know it isn't great anyway, so I doubt it, but any info would be handy.



    Hi Mike,

    I found the best way is araldite or a similar 2 pack epoxy resin - works a treat after it has set, although it is non reversible...

    I tried hot gun etc previously, which didn't work very well..

    I'e seen may people running with both rear diffs locked whilst retaining a decent turning circle, although I've just locked the front diff on my KH for the time being



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