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Everything posted by djmcnz

  1. Okay, not perfect. I don't really give a toss about the wheels though, I was referring to the bigger picture here, chassis, body, packaging etc, i.e. the points of difference from the 40th. I'm sure you can buy different wheels if you need them.
  2. I agree. They set the bar with the 30th, they should have at least aimed to achieve the same bar for subsequent anniversary releases. But the writing is on the wall with this one, 30th was awesome on all counts, perfect even... 40th was cool but meh, now they've dropped the anniversary period to 5 years, they're just profit-crunching now. Expect more of the same... e.g. poor form from Tamiya. Oh my, how they've fallen.
  3. Ahh, gotcha! What part number are the Ti axles? I know of the hardened ones (I have), the aluminium ones (meh), and the aluminium one piece (included wheel hex) ones, not any titanium ones. I'm rating that, some mica goodness there! I see you have all 3 of the heatsink bars installed, one up on me. I'm not entirely sure it's acceptable that you have 50% more than I do. ๐Ÿ˜‰ More pics before you do please, I've always liked the concept of a clear body with a few decals over a bling chassis. Your Monte Carlo looks ace from afar.
  4. I have a NIB Special Racing Chassis - if you need any details just ask. ๐Ÿ‘
  5. Thanks @Beetlemankurt - I'm a total tragic so I'd probably need 1 x full TRF bling and then another, potentially lesser model, to throw around a carpark. Having said that I've been known to build both then never run either! smh. I wonder if Tamiya will shortly release a body based on the FIA 20212 "example" chassis which I think looks pretty smart, probably no license fees involved either. Would need the equivalent 18" rims of course. I'm sure there will be some silent hate for this but I'm an Alonso fan so an 05/06 livery would be on the cards.
  6. Yeah, I just looked it up and it's only a few dollars more than I paid for mine in 2011 (US$286 - relative bargain!). I then effectively doubled the cost by purchasing the entire RC Channel SRB catalogue! ๐Ÿ™„
  7. Yes, I've purchased some stuff off them for my 1:1, I hadn't realised it's the same company. They have a reasonable range of Tamiya stock (for NZ) and some of it is competitively priced with Hong Kong when factoring in shipping costs. I wonder if they can reliably pre-order Tamiya stuff, I might have to ask them... I want to line up a 45th Porsche (even though I don't need another TA02 Porsche).
  8. Everybody should build at least one SRB. This one is surprisingly reasonably priced considering it's locally available in New Zealand. If I didn't already have one I'd snap this up for less than NZ$500. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/marketplace/toys-models/radio-control-robots/cars/electric/listing/3198551073
  9. ๐Ÿคฏ I'm beginning to feel sorry I asked! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  10. I appreciate the image, thank you. It's entirely possible my memory is faulty (๐Ÿ™„). The Dyna-Run ST was released at about the same time as the Taisan Starcard Porsche so so reasonably era correct for the chassis.
  11. So is the go-to a TRF103 or a F104 Pro II (assuming either is available)? Or something else? I do prefer TRF goodness, can I Hop-Up a standard to TRF spec? Any new releases on the horizon that I should be aware of? Noob ๐Ÿ™„
  12. This thread makes me think I need a Tamiya F1 car. Given I'm an F1 nut and have never owned one, the decision seems obvious. Problem is I'd be beside myself trying to settle on a livery. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  13. 2oz is enough for Christmas and New Year with a bunch of mates but it won't last all (southern) summer. ๐Ÿ˜‡
  14. It's minor but the re-re, unlike some others, is not the same as the original. Different suspension, ball bearings not included, no titanium screws etc. I don't want anyone to think I'm dissing the re-re, I'm not, but it loses some of the magic because it's not a faithful reproduction and doesn't have the top-end goodness of the original. I firmly believe that Tamiya should have included full sealed bearings and Ti screws in the re-re but a little bit of me is glad they didn't.
  15. My favourite "simple" chassis, keep us posted.
  16. Whilst doing a bit of a tidy and deciding what to do/build next from my back catalogue of NIB stuff I discovered that I'd butchered one of my (vintage) NIB Egress' and stolen parts from it! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Fortunately I have 2 x NIB and the one I've butchered is the lesser of the two. Still, what madness took me over? I trawled back through my emails and worked out that I'd sold those parts to a TC member (Tamiya Era) way back in the day. Fortunately I have a full set of OG posi-joints to replace the missing parts but still David? ๐Ÿคจ But guess what? This is actually a good thing! I no longer have the dilemma - buy and build a 2013 re-re or build a vintage NIB... since with missing parts the vintage is probably worth only as much as a re-re, and it's a better build than the re-re, I've now got a clear path to building a vintage Egress and that doesn't happen often! Challenge now is: do I build my re-re Avante or vintage Egress first?!? First world problems of course. ๐Ÿ™„
  17. It is true that it could go either way but you want to remove hot air, not cool hot air (which is far less efficient). As long as cool air can be drawn in from somewhere you should set it to extract hot air. Trying to force hot air out by blowing cold air in is also really inefficient.
  18. My first (only) SRB chassis took me days to build, well done doing it in one. And then the SS body took me over a year to get finished... in the end I outsourced it. IIRC there was a SS 'Finished Body' available back in 2010 (ish), in hindsight I was a fool not to pick one up.
  19. Lovin' the dude in the sweaty singlet, red pants and shoes going a jig (or having a stroke) in the background!
  20. That look s absolutely stunning and yes, the Taisan Porsche is a decaling nightmare! Great first post, welcome to TC! ๐Ÿ‘
  21. M-Chassis long pins are 37mm. You can get a gold Ti set also 54212.
  22. Yeah, mine is configured for the short (and wide) wheelbase, the Tamiya pic is standard wheelbase.
  23. Thanks @yogi-bear, that was a helpful tip... Source: Tamiya 1996 and 1999 Guide Books (via tamiyabase.com) That's slightly different, I'm sure there's another one with a Dyna-Run motor, but this is cool. Now, does anyone have a better, ideally full colour, version (of this or alternatives)?
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