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About gt6++

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    Marseille, Fr

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  1. Does RCChamp still ship overseas? It has been ages since I purchased a kit from them, but they used to do overseas.
  2. I recall something of a discussion. Also I purchased white hotshot wheels that member Loaded had plated.
  3. And some members from a long time ago that no longer seem to post, or maybe they changes names.... Super Champ SRB !!
  4. Oh how I wish I lived in Japan, and near pinebeach raceway
  5. I hope it comes again. It only started to grow on me by the time it was sold out or over priced.
  6. I hope some one will make the proper 'original' sponsor decal set other liveries would be nice too...
  7. Have you run one of W-01 4x4 before? I find them to be pretty fun and durable bashers to bring to the beach with my son. I would add alloy shock towers for longer dampers to your shopping list.
  8. What's with all the reres coming with prepainted shells???!!?
  9. While I am excited about the release, I am a little disappointed about the pre-painted body part.
  10. Tamiya did release the 58247 Audi F103LM kit. But it came with rubber tires and silver wheels alu body posts and I believe a sport tuned motor. Maybe yours just has a Audi body kit on it.
  11. Oh then maybe they don't anymore. Last time I dealt with them was quite a long time ago. What about the HK shops, I wonder if they got any stock, or is it really a Japan only release.
  12. I see.... thanks! My son ran the my GB-01 for the first time since I installed the gear diff (without the 18mm rod) and it seemed to have run OK using a 6V graupner motor. Although I did note that it does not have as good traction on loose surfaces and gets stuck easier. Maybe I have to put some heavier grease in the diff...
  13. Does RC-CHAMP still ship overseas? Even if they do you always run the risk of getting hit with import fees + taxes. For 1000 euros you could almost fly to Japan and pick one up
  14. Is the BA14 really needed? I never was able to find an exploded view or instructional manual for a GB-01S. Let us know how it goes!
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