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About BigJag

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  1. They also have a Hornet inspired Nissan R34 GTR model.
  2. Thanks. I went ahead and ordered some Blitzer tyres. The KingCab will have some new shoes.
  3. Fantastic! Would really appreciate it if you can find those pictures.
  4. Those Blitzer Beetle tyres look appropriate for a Kingcab/Hilux. Wonder if they fit?
  5. Yes. Saw that. That could be an option for my Kingcab. It needs new shoes. Been looking at 2.2 Proline tyres. Not a 100% convinced that they'll work.
  6. Using a 3s Lipo pack would require a rewire of the transmitter. Is that a fairly simple task?
  7. Many thanks for that information. It's good to know that there are options. A quick Google of Hot RC revealed this very cool looking transmitter. Reminds me of a Scalextric controller.
  8. My transmitters are quite old and basic. I've not noticed them having a battery voltage setting. I imagine that feature is available on a modern transmitter. Such as a Fly sky. That's something I'm looking at getting. Going back to the power source for transmitters. Do the modern units still use AA batteries?
  9. Relearned how to operate my Propeak Sigma II EQ charger Charged up some batteries. Realised I don't seem to have a charger for my AAs. Ordered a charger. Hunted around for matching crystals. Brushed the dust of the Lunchbox chassis and plethora of transmitters.
  10. Hi. How does the 2s LiFe pack fit and connect in a transmitter? I'm still using my old twin stick and pistol grip transmitters. They all currently use 8 rechargeable AA batteries.I've been wondering if there is an alternative to the AAs.
  11. Lovely pics. Looked like a really fun event. Really impressed by the truck designs.
  12. https://www.kaidohouse.com/products/kaido-gt-chevrolet-silverado-tamiya-x-kaido-house-clod-buster The link above shows the two colours. The silver one is a pot luck design. Produced in limited numbers. A buyer will only know if they have one when they open the box. They must have done the same with the Hornet. Have you opened your boxes yet?
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