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About wolfdogstinkus

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/08/1978

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    Northamptonshire, U.K

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  1. I got my boy a SW01 lunchbox mini a few years ago when it came out. He says, "wouldn't it be cool if it had the wheel spikes to run on 2 wheels like the junior", then immediately corrected himself and says but it wouldn't work because the SW01 has a differential. And I think he was right. He must have been about 9 years old at the time. Picture is a 3D printed RC conversion kit for the wild mini series.
  2. Be handy if you ever want to move house!.😂 Just hook up all 6 plus the 6 wheeler and drag your old house wherever you wish to live next.
  3. When I built my 6x6, I went overboard, but I already had a Clod so I bought a bullhead for the axle and wheels and tyres and sold the rest of the kit as parts securing a small profit meaning the 3rd axle was free!. Yeah, it's a bit of hassle but less than breaking up a Clod that took so long to source. BUY ANOTHER KIT!!!!!!!
  4. I made a wheelie bar for my QD with some metal parts and a monster truck tyre from the mini 4wd wild series. Might be impossible for me to find the picture now but I'm sure it's on this site somewhere. Bonus being, it perfectly matches the big wheels, and are still widely available. You could have double wheels on your wheelie bar and then you can build 2 wheelie bars from one mini 4wd kit, sell the rest of the kit as spares and you get 2 wheelie bars for next to nothing that perfectly match your car. Edit to add, found pictures but photobucket have ruined them. Edit to add if you double click the picture, it removes the watermarks. Those were the days when you could still buy the junior monster beetle fairly cheap.
  5. I thought all electrical items ran on magic smoke and once said item releases all the smoke, said item dies. Usually this happens in one go. All the magic smoke escapes in one go, but in your case, it might have a small leak, in which case it's just a matter of time before all the magic smoke escapes.
  6. Yeah, you might be on a Temporary wage subsidy scheme for a few years after licking a Conrad battery, but think of the benefits!!!!!..
  7. Stick your tongue in the end, you'll surely become electric man or something equally as good.
  8. Clodbuster's won't move their wheels while stationary, the servo saver just takes the strain unless you have it set super tight but even then it'll struggle to move those big heavy tyres unless it's moving. You've sorted it now anyway, most upgrade to the servo on axle steering as it is much tighter and more precise. Nice Job.
  9. That's how you get away with it, lol. When your Mrs says you've bought another truck, you say no, I just added an axle, then you can just swap trucks whenever and she will never know. Lol
  10. Please tell us it's a Full scale Clod? I saw a 1/1 lunchbox the other day I think at the Shizuoka show
  11. What's the prize?. Cause I definitely won.
  12. They're the same as Lunchbox tyres which I think are 1.9" or 2 at the most but 2.2 tyres definitely won't fit the QD wheels plus you have a smaller hex fitting so wheel and tyre choice is limited but I think you can get a hex adaptor allowing you to fit 12mm hex wheels?
  13. Some say,..... It's not the lunchbox, it's his gym going, steroid munching , more capable cousin,. The pudding box. All we know is long ago it might have been called a lunchbox
  14. If anyone is handy with CAD modelling, I believe Fibrelyte UK would cut these from carbon fibre, they make a few wild dagger parts already so I'm sure they wouldn't mind adding a few more if any kind soul wants to draw some. Front kick up with mounts for front gearbox. A spacer that be bolted to back of chassis or already moulded so you can buy a single extension piece to add another axle. I think that's all my requirements. Who knows CAD?. Lol
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