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About Henk4Focus

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  • Birthday 01/26/1971

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  • Location
    Hoedspruit South Africa
  • Interests
    Love anything automotive. Landy and Lambo my favourites. Yankee muscle cars are cool too. Ford truck and rallye cars are also on my list. <br />Enjoy driving my cars and getting better these days now that my son can join in. Don't really worry about certain models as long as they look cool. I will buy anything if I like it.<br />Hoping to get my wife more involved and also my daughter when she's older.

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  1. WOW!! I want one even more now! Splendid work.
  2. Doesn't matter what it looks like or that it doesn't have it's issues sorted. I'm getting 2 more plus some new decals sets for the original that I have. Best beach buggy ever and it just looks so right at home on sand. Long fly the Blitzer!!!
  3. It would be nice to see something new. I also now know that Traxxas are also just recycling parts, thanks everybody for pointing that out. I just think what brom was trying to get at is that rere's are nice and down right fun (read here HB2010, most fun for what I paid for it), but and here is where I understand what he's getting at, when do we see a totally new "WOW" design? A high liftish truck that doesn't have straight characterless chassis rails with a battery hanging out from it's belly. Or the current crop of super neat lexan shell cars sold with a TT-01 chassis. Bring out something new that will have the cult following in 30 years time like the Blazer, Hilux, Wild One, Mountaineer etc has now. We all know they can do it, so yes I agree, they must have something there that can be developed and sold in 10 000 fold. Their XB range makes a lot of sense because they sell in huge quantities here in South Africa. Of all the kits that we've sold in our shop I have build almost all of them for the clients. Doesn't matter if they can do it themselves or not, I've ended up building them. From Wranglers, Pajeros, Hummers, Hot Shots, Pumpkins, Boomerangs, Neo Falcons, etc etc. People are just used to being lazy and Tamiya is making money out of it, lots of it, if you ask me.
  4. Oh my, haven't seen this yet!! Have 2 on pre-order for myself and my son. By the looks of it I might just get more. I now have a great line up of Dt-02 buggies, Desert Gator, Holiday buggy 2010, Holiday buggy red ed, Super Fighter GR and this will complete a nice line up. Neo my son has the Neo Falcon so all in all, 6 or so.
  5. All the doom prophets should read this thread. Just check how much we are having with or "horrible" yellow wheeled, hole in the bonnet, wide stance monstrosities! As always the big T hit the mark with their thinking behind the HB2010. Are we having fun yet? By the posts here I can say "OHHHH YEAH'!!!!!
  6. Oh wow, that race series sounds like some awesome fun. December mine will get it's beach run time. Can't wait.
  7. So here is what my buggy now looks like. My driver now sports a much less cowboy looking hat and has a different look than the box one. Decals are a mix of Holiday buggy and some others. I now think that I should have painted the front fenders in a different color to set it off, next time.......... Hope you all like it. This will be the shelf shell as I have another on they way for bashing.
  8. After all the hype................... Quite disappointing if you ask me.
  9. A lot of people will go the route to use velcro on the chassis and body or I've also seen magnets being used. Then there are those who use add ons to hide the screws or bolts that holds the body on to the chassis. Trail and error is the way to go. I'm also struggling to mount a shell to a TA-01 chassis but I will win eventually. Hope you find what you are looking for.
  10. The front sure looks perfect on that Pajero. Jun is surely making some great goodies for the CC-01 these days. Better get cracking on my Pajero build and get some of these too.
  11. What did I just read "HEAVY" in there! Who ever said it's heavy obviously never owned one. For sure one of the lightest chassis out of the box. Heavy......
  12. The setup looks to be straight forward. The angled bracket will mount at the bottom where the normal TL bumper goes. It is between the 2 front wish bones where the 2 chassis pieces gets joined with the normal bumper. The rigid bigger piece then screws onto that using 2 screws. The 2 long plastic "tubes" gets fitted to the ends of the ridgid bumper piece. The carbon/dogbone looking piece will be used to brace the chassis where the normal bumper fits just above where you've mounted the bottom angled bracket. The foam you will fit over the 2 plastic pieces on the ends and the collars is used to keep it in place. Just slip them into the grooves that is on the 2 pieces. That should be it. The 2 white/silver spacer/washer looking pieces I can't place where it should go. I think when fitting the pieces it will become evident. Welcome to the club and enjoy your stay.
  13. And I thought that 2415 bearing in the CR01 gearbox is anoying. We gave a 1/72 Italeri Mil Hind 24 model to my son Neo for christmas last year. Now I'm the one doing most of the building and painting as in this scale there are a lot of very very small parts which he can't get to grips with. When I give him another model will be in 1/48, should then at least mean more for him to do than me ending up doing the work. Finished my HB2010 shell and need to paint the jerry cans and then everything should be finished. What have you done today?
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