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About magpie

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  1. hello i only have front steering on mine,your need two if keeping norm.got 880 esc slow but still fun. sorry thinking of two motors.
  2. hello the first brushless motor combo i run in my thunder shot was 17.5 it was on 2s as well,think it was sky rc combo,not very fast but lasted much longer than nimh.as above 13.5 combo should be good.
  3. hello the screws that come with servo are normally only for plastic servo horn with out servo saver,properly need much longer one,also the first monster beetle had clamp on bracket to stop servo saver coming off.
  4. hello i think this has the three bolts to hold on wheels,you can get conversions,i take it your over seas.
  5. i always find you need one more,think of new projects every week,140 ish.
  6. i agree with others on post i just bought kanyon on ebay good but like its been said turning circle is big.like mad ax said nearly 1/8 but it was only 80 pounds.few people i know have the outback looks like hilux and this is better in more ways.
  7. hello i have got the element zuul truck with 2s 5500amh lasts nearly two hours.good truck but has not got lights as standard.you tend to self marshall and more relaxing than racing i find. i did not see 150 pounds sorry.
  8. hello i do not know if it makes better,but my clod has servo with horn at top facing down,gives it more of straight throw on steering arm.
  9. etronix ET2048 6v 15.3kg o.16s,standard size metal geared about 16.00 pounds i think.
  10. got mine today,be careful with sway bar stoppers already bent them.like it,must leave some to do for tomorrow.
  11. hello i think its to set your old speed controller in right place on servo.might be wrong just looking at shape.
  12. i love the clod.but i think grasshopper been in production longer.
  13. hello i have just tried to rebuild mine as well i used light green bladders.one shock rebounds when pushed in on its own.the other shock rod just stays in when pushed in,with out springs on.what should it do.
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