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Everything posted by TheBlueDragon

  1. Anychance you know of anyone who has done this so I can see how it looks?
  2. Hi people, I've recently bought a Tamiya F150 SVT LIghtning and I plan on busing a USM-RC kit up so it has sounds and lighting. But as you know this truck doesnt have light buckets as its not designed to have lights. So how easy would it be to make some light buckets for the headlights? If it too hard I might just have a couple of LEDs sticking out of the bottom where the fog lights are.
  3. I've just paid for a Tamiya SVT F150 Lightning so mum buying me the radio gear
  4. That kit is designed to fit in a 1/14th truck or 1/16 tank so it runs from the same gear but its if I can find the room hahaha. Obviously it be best to place the electronics to the inside of the shell
  5. Hi people, I'm expecting a tamiya TT01E Ford SVT F150 soon and as I like to be different I was thinking about trying to add a sound module to it. I'm looking at the USM-RC as it appears to be able to be programable and somes with a V8 engine sound. I just wondered if anyone has ever managed to fit one on a 1/10 RC car?
  6. Hi people, I've got all my radio gear fitted in my Ford F350 but I have no idea what to put for the settings on my transmitter as its all for helicopters and planes. If anyone could help me understnd what each one will mean on a car and what figures to use that would be great. Sub Trim % Travel Adjust % (each stick direction) SW-TYP % Throttle Curve (Normal) % Throttle Curve (Idle Up) (Normal) % Pitch Curve (Normal) % Pitch Curve (Idle Up) % Pitch Curve (Throttle Hold) % Throttle Hold On/Off % If that makes sence to anyone brilliant as its like a different language to me haha. Its a Twister RC 2.4GHZ 6ch transmitter
  7. Hi People, I'm looking for a set of clear headlight lenses for a Tamiya Ford F350 as Ive managed to break mine. Please contact me if you have some P Parts I believe the Juggernaut also has the same lenses
  8. Hi people, Not been on the forum in a long long time. I don't know if this is the right section if not I'm sorry just let me know. I've got rid of my King Hauler and now have a Tamiya Ford F350. I've not had her running yet as the MFC-02 only arrived yesterday. I'll be running a 6channel radio system which will give me 2 channels for extra goodies which I'm keeping quiet till I've got it all sorted I used blue glass paint for the top spot lights and a red perminate marker to do the rear light lenses. As you can see in the bottom pictures I'm spending extra time to make sure all the wires are nice and tidy. The body is in black with what are surpose to me flames down the side and my signature on the rearwhich is really poorly done. I plan on getting the rear panel replaced as it's not what I asked for and the person I asked to do it bodged it so I refused to pay. I plan on changing the wheels as it just doesn't seem to look to scale to me and I also need some replacement headlight lenses as I've managed to break mine so if you have any or know where I could get some let me know Here are some pictures
  9. Hi people, I'm looking for either a Tundra front bumper with the 4 spotlights or the Hilux front bumper with the 2 spotlights
  10. Id recomend a Carson Truckpuller 7.2v. I have one and it has plenty of powerand is a more scale speed
  11. Heres the finished version I practiced with the yellow set which went green hahaha, so if anyone would like some green lenses let me know. Build Cost Sofar:- F350 Kit = £275.00 Steering Servo = £19.59 Gear Servo = £4.00 (second Hand) 6ch 2.4ghz Reviever = £11.53 Clear paint = £2.97 TOTAL = £313.09
  12. This paint job looks amazing, I thinkits good when people don't do boxart
  13. Does anyone know if the spotlight lenses for a Tamiya F350 High Lift are the same as for the Tamiya Hilux
  14. I enjoyed reading it, even if you say some of the details are wrong it fetched alot of memories back
  15. Nah not police I just wanted something abit different hahaha and I like blue. Its a light bar from a Tamiya F350 High Lift
  16. Hi people, I'm toying with the idea of painting my spotlight lenses with blue glass paint to match my blue shocks and custom black and blue body when it arruves. I know its the wrong lense but I just wanted to try the colour. What you think?
  17. Yes but surly if I get really bright LEDs it could still blow it?
  18. Anyone? i just want to know what LEDs I could use without overloading the MFC
  19. Hi people, I can't afford a MFC-02 yet for my Ford F350 but I'd like to sort some of the LEDs out read and prewire them myself. What size LEDs and what voltage and amp is the max I could use? Its the 5 spot lights I want to sort first. If someone could check what the maxs are that would be great
  20. You can buy them from FusionHobbies
  21. Just posted my body to oranda design to have the body custom airbrushed
  22. Yes your work is amazing well done, I'd love one of these
  23. My servo has eventually arrived so I've started the steering linkages. There seems to be alot of unwanted movement in the steering so I'll need to sort that out. Does anyone know if it possible to get a front bumper with spotlights in the front?
  24. Nah I'm happy with my King Hauler and and Ford F350. With the man it just seems out of scale and when its hooked upto a trailer thet trailer seems too far away
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