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About TorqueyPete

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  • Birthday 08/15/1953

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  • Location
    Exeter UK
  • Interests
    Toys, real or scale! :D

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  1. Hey Tupers, Do you still have either of these? I might be interested in buying one or both or ...... I've sent you a PM Pete.
  2. Yers, Brasso wadding is pretty good. Ally is always difficult to protect after polishing. Your main problem is the fact that aluminium oxide forms almost instantly after the metal is exposed, and the fact that polish doesn't prevent oxides from forming. Spray on lacquers are not ideal, don't work for long, and you must clean ALL the polish off the surface. Professional lacquering is a possibility. If you check with a local anodizing company, they should be able to offer a 'clear' anodize. But be aware that any type of anodizing actually changes the surface at a molecular level, so won't come back looking exactly the same as when you handed it over. And threads need protecting or they may end up too tight! But hey! My granny used to polish all the silver and brass ware in her house every two weeks! So you now have an excuse to strip, polish , and re-assemble your Avante every fortnight! LOL! Don't do any of > this < unless you're miles away from your house and anything valuable!!
  3. There is a, fairly expensive, product called Model Strip . I've used it on a couple of Scalextric shells, and it does work. It's quite thick, and needs to be left wrapped up in a plastic bag for several hours after application. But not sure about RC shells, though I've heard that the Nitro fuel thing works. Hope this helps.
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