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About smokescreen

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  1. Are you going to use all the red parts like shocks and towers ? I think this is an awesome idea and i'm a huge fan of these buggies and cant wait to see some pics !
  2. I've been building a Supershot from new parts for about 6 months and its cost me $$$. I still need a few more parts and the hunt is just as good as the build. I don't see a problem with pulling off a project like that for the price just as long as you're willing to incorporate a few used parts in the build. Two things to think about are: If you decide to build a popular car, parts are going to be more available but pull in a premium. If you build a less desirable car, parts will be cheaper but harder to find. Either way good luck and happy hunting !
  3. hahaha i was just thinking that as i read the 2nd post !, you made me lol .
  4. thanks im a hotshot/supershot nut ! just absolutely love those cars ! trying to piece together the whole series but have been totally distracted by the porsche 959 !
  5. Hello ! Well id like to say Hi to everyone on Tamiyaclub and thanks for conducting some very interesting and informative topics. I've been following this site religiously for about a year now and finally decided it was time to take the plunge and subscribe. I hope to become a productive/resourceful member and will start to update my show room as soon as i can ! Thanks for your time.
  6. Hello, Well to answer that question based on personal observation, id like to say this economy rescission has had little if any bearing on vintage tamiya parts and kits that i've been following on ebay. Porsche 959/celica bits/kits to anything supershot related still pulls in premium prices. I'm sure some people may think twice about spending money on things for entertainment but then there's always the next person whom this rescission has really no effect on that is willing to spend top dollar. I really haven't seen a decline in prices and don't think that they'll fall.
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