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About Sammo

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  • Birthday 03/05/1986

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    Epsom, Surrey

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  1. The Clio is a very sought after body. Unfortunately yours is battered! The FF01 chassis’ by themselves tend to sell for around £50 so with the body and transmitter (I agree that the charger is worthless and might as well be chucked) you’re probably looking at around £60-70 if the right person comes along.
  2. My Grasshopper finally turned up after waiting for about 3 weeks. I bought it from Euro Car Parts during one of their sales for £46 delivered
  3. Afternoon, Im getting the urge to buy another touring car chassis, although I don’t know which one to go for. I’ve narrowed it down to these three; XV01 TC Pro - A bit quirky with its front motor 4wd setup, which I like. TA07 Pro - Just looks cool and is likely the best of the three anyway. TB05 Pro - Also looks cool. The likelihood is I’ll never actually use it. I enjoy the build and then it goes back in its box. Which one am I going to enjoy building (and possibly spending more money on needless hop ups) the most? Cheers, Sammo
  4. I generally use Tamico or RCJaz to buy kits these days. They seem to be the cheapest and excellent service received from both.
  5. I ordered The Grasshopper from Euro Car Parts website the other day. Not a model I’ve ever been interested in, however for £46.06 delivered I couldn’t not buy it
  6. I haven’t done anything R/C related for quite a while. Life has got in the way a bit and hobbies have had to go on the back burner. I’ve even sold off a couple of “future projects” because realistically I won’t get around to doing them all However, during the week I managed to get myself a sickness bug, which meant a couple of days off work. Once the sickness had stopped I decided it was R/C time (or should that be Tamiya time?). I dragged out one of my “future projects” and gave it a dust off For those that don’t know. It’s a TA-01 with an HPI chassis upgrade. Rare as a rare thing apparently Once it was cleaned up I set about cutting out my new body from L&L Models ready to go on. Then it was the nerve wracking part of making the post holes and getting them right! Luckily I managed it! That’s about as far as I got. The cut edges still need smoothing down, it needs masking and painting obviously and I need to rebuild the shocks for the chassis. I love it though
  7. Managed another half hour today I got a battery charged up and had a look to see what’s what. Well it runs I guess I need to get it on the floor and see how it moves under it’s own steam! I’m scared haha!
  8. Once again I’ve not touched this in months! I’ve also realised that it’s been two years since I started building this and I’ve still not powered it up Well I still haven’t but this afternoon I got a couple of hours free to at least fit the electrics and tidy the wiring hehe. In an effort to just get it moving under its own steam I’ve fitted an LRP speed controller that I bought a year or so back. It’ll be man enough for the motor that I’ve fitted and I can concentrate on further upgrades once it’s up and running Potentially I’ll get another spare hour tomorrow evening so I’ll get a battery charged and see what happens Fingers crossed we’ll have some movement.
  9. Afternoon, As per the title, I need a set of body posts for a TT01 chassis. Bought a scrapper from eBay to build up and the posts are all I’m missing. Thanks
  10. Sooooo, I’ve been contemplating modifying my Group C chassis to fit a touring car body to it, however I was also aware that it was easier to modify an F103GT to achieve the required wheelbase. I just couldn’t justify the cost of buying a kit. Anyway I eventually had a word with myself and bought the kit
  11. I’ve got a few R/C bits on eBay at the moment. Some Tamiya and some not. Have a look https://ebay.co.uk/usr/sammo12345
  12. I can buy a shorter T Bar for the F103GT to bring it down to around 250mm. The body I’m fitting is 251mm wheelbase which would make it near perfect.
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