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Everything posted by Racin

  1. I had my Sand (Snow) Scorcher out this morning, great fun :lol: but difficult to keep in a straight line
  2. So, easy as that. That makes a 3 speed so much more attractive but the Bruiser is still a bit rich for me. Might have to keep my eye out for a second hand hi-lift closer to the Bruisers release. Maybe put a Bruiser body on it
  3. Didn't realise you could away with just 3. As I have a dx3e I could do that. Well that's made it a bit cheaper but I'm still not going to pay the UK price
  4. Mine would be my re re scorcher, though only had it out once since I got it and that ended up with broken bits But if it ever snows it will be my SCX10 with a F350 body on, so a bit Tamiya
  5. No matter how much I want one of these (and I really do want one) there is no way I can justify £750 on a kit plus then the £100 for 4 channel radio. I could clearly understand my wife killing me Perhaps if it was under £500 maybe just........... Hopefully some may sell on their Hi-lifts so I may yet get a 3-Speed
  6. And I'll third that! Does look cool!
  7. Lovely looking scorcher! I really like those mud flaps, what did you use to make them? I am thinking of putting a pair on mine when its finally painted.
  8. Hi and Happy New Year everyone. I'm sure this has probably been asked many times before but what are the differences between the original and re re scorcher bodies? I've just had 1 delivered this morning and was wondering what mods are needed? Thx
  9. Thought it was time to say Hi as I only joined on the 21st October 2008 Just getting back into the Tamiya thing after recently deciding I medically need a re-issue Scorcher Dusting of the re-issue Brat and have just about finished a CC-01 with a Brat hard shell in full WRC decals. Heres to a very Tamiya 2012!!
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