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About casethejoint

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  1. That's a superb example. As mentioned above, keep it off the tires (or they'll get distorted/flat spots) and don't take less than $1500 for it. Best bet I think would be auction it on eBay.
  2. These are the holy grail of 3 speeds and it looks in good condition, so it'll be worth a bit. Best bet for local pricing for you is to see what they go for on eBay in Canada or North US will be broadly the same I'd think.
  3. A nice looking manual too and some box candy.
  4. Beadblasting is excellent and if you want to be able to do it yourself in the garage without all that kit a tumbler polisher with fine green media or walnut shell. It takes ages (at least 2 days) but it works great. For an SRB gearbox you'd need to get a 3lb barrel otherwise it won't fit.
  5. I took my Mardave Meteor out for a spin The shocks are spares I had in an old box - bought maybe 10 years ago and never used. Filled them with oil and they weren't bad at all. Running on a 2S LIPO - small one, 2000mAh so nice and light. This buggy is a testament to Mardave it really is. I had forgotten how well it handles. There are no ballraces on the front wheels, it's plastic on steel, the gearbox is as basic as it gets, but the steering is bulletproof and the MSC is actually really good. Three speed via two resistors - OK not exactly efficient, but on a decent modern FASST TX/RX after a few minutes I completely forgot that it didn't have an ESC. With better shocks I am convinced this would happily keep pace with my RC10. In fact, put RC10 shocks on it and you pretty much have a poor mans RC10 which I guess is exactly what it was designed to be. <edit>Just wanted to add the diff works great too and steering circle on this thing is fantastic. I'd put it up against a lot of modern 2WD buggies frankly. The glory years maybe - peak 1/10 ?</edit> Great job Mardave.
  6. Thanks for the lead to CML Facebook. I found this:- From May 31st. Several LHS are stating that they are working with CML on resolving this - the fact there is no firm "no more" yet, makes me think AE is probably accumulating back orders to see if worth doing another run or not. So I guess it's a case of wait and see for the next few weeks. Edit: just had email response from my LHS to say they are still working with CML on this, so as at 29th June it's not a firm "no more" but I agree it's not looking hopeful. My guess remains that AE will wait and see total demand before calling it.
  7. Does anyone know if more of these will be becoming available (UK) ?
  8. Your lawn looks fantastic (am I showing my age? ).
  9. Yep - that antenna break is everyone of us reversing into a kerb Nice original find.
  10. No idea what it is I'm afraid but I absolutely love it Any chance it could be scratch built, or a bit of a Frankenstein built from multiple spares from different makes?
  11. Oh wow, look at that - definitely not alone then! Who'd have thought there be duplicate forum thread issues on this topic?! Just goes to show, Tamiya smell is important.
  12. The blue stuff. Yes, I know I have a problem but is it just me? Not sure if it's nostalgia or genuinely just a great smell. No idea what the active stuff is in it - nothing else smells remotely like it.
  13. You're all right - glow ignitor(s) were the issue - all 4 of them! Made my own by replacing the battery on one and bingo - all good, and now I'm behaving noisy and smelly - awesome Buggy is currently stalling out under higher throttle - think it's maybe a bit lean. Going to richen up the HSN and have another go tomorrow.
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