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About 442xcar

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  • Birthday 01/23/1961

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    United States

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  1. I did contact him after I had been informed by another TC member. No reply to my emails....... As to the question of what did I have to lose? Nothing. But my car is still posted on their site as a monthly winner, and truth be told, the photo was taken from my TC showroom without my knowledge or consent. Just saying, that site does not honor what they say they stand for.
  2. Hmmm. All I know about that site is someone submitted one of my cars to their monthly photo contest. My car was selected as the winner of the "prize", but alas, there was NO prize. Typical sham.....
  3. F2001 Ferrari AWD 84 MPH Novak 5.5L (light) Sensored Brushless Motor Stock 20t pinion, Stock 55t spur gear, Stock (glued) Tamiya Type A (hard) Tires Stock kit supplied bearings Mamba Max Pro ESC w/Smartsense Turnigy 30c 7.2v 2s Lipo (8.4 v actual) Cell Phone GPS Comments; 84 MPH. This was the maiden run on July 29th, 2011. Run was made in a massive and flat parking lot. Outside temp was a blistering 98 degrees (f). Believe it or not, even at this speed the car was just strolling along. The F201 Ferrari is the perfect chassis for high speed. I think the semi scale aero of this F1 chassis actually works at extreme speed. The type A hard tires were selected to go easy on the drivetrain for the maiden outing. Speed was limited due to the the minimal braking profile program on the esc and resulting limit on stopping area at end of run. Braking profile is being reprogrammed for next run. Plans to use Type B sticky tires and certified radar gun for an official 100 mph plus run this weekend. Should be a piece of cake. PS, the little Michael Schumaker looked right at home in the cockpit.
  4. News Flash!!!! This milestone kit will be the "Zahhak" Gold Edition. There's a guy with a can of cheap spraypaint working overtime in the PI factory. Tamiya had to do something really special to get rid of all those lame kits nobody wanted. An exclusive addition to this kit will be Tamiya's first ever self destructing instructions (you only get to read them once and then they sponteneously burst into a pile of ash).
  5. I don't buy the Chinese rip-offs. Don't even give them a second look. To quote you, Tamiya is clamping down where they can (TamiyaClub.com) and similar operations that have profited for years without obstruction by Tamiya. As stated earlier in this thread, my main gripe is paying TC for a service that I'm no longer receiving. No mention on compensation from TC. Just they same ol' "smoke and mirrors" of "well, it was good while it lasted". What? What about the services I "purchased" with my membership, that I'm no longer receiving? The problem the club is having with Tamiya is all centered on the revenue stream TC enjoys in part from copyrighted products from Tamiya. Bam! Case closed........... Greed....
  6. Like I said early on in this topic, China is gearing up to exploit this blunder by Tamiya. I've already seen the begginings of a flood of repro decals from HK and mainland China. Copyrights? Ha! Look at the F103 knock offs out there. Who sells more 1/16 Tanks? Heng Long or Tamiya? Duh! Tamiya used to get my dollars because I respected the quality. This recent attitude change towards the foundation of old Tamiya loyalists has changed not only mine, but many others opinions. The re-re wave drove away the Uber collectors. This copyright enforcement against vintage out of production items will drive away the core of TC. RIGHT NOW, there is a worker in the central mainland, working for rice and a dorm room, who will make everything you need for pennies. Take that MR Tamiya........... What copyright.......
  7. I wonder why Tamiya slammed TC for decals and manuals, but said nothing about using the the "Tamiya" trademark in the TC name? Hmmmm. Seems there is some very selective copyright enforcement going on here. Let's see. Take away decals and manuals, but let the site promote sales of their products by using the company name? One way streets are paved with bricks made of greed. What has Tamiya ever done to promote the site? Ever seen the company sponsor one of the contests? Ever donated any "swag"? To anyone? They allow direct links to their distribution network from the TC site, but where is the link from there to TC? TC still seems to have their nose up Tamiya's (badword) even though they've been punked by Tamiya. Sad I was affilliated with a group that that would stand for this kind of treatment from a greedy, selfish, and self centered company. Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me. Go take a hike Mr. Tamiya...........
  8. We all have our reasons for being here. Mine was always based on the ability to use a paid subscription to research the manuals, ect. No to copy. But to assist in restoration and collecting. TC can do what they want with an obvious one-way relationship with Tamiya. In a nutshell, I'm not getting what I paid for and that makes TC as $$ greedy as Tamiya. It's all about the money. I can email members and such and keep my money in my pocket. By the way, there is another site put up by a TC member that is free and (now) will be getting yearly "donations".
  9. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel put-off by the whole manual situation? I've already decided to let my membership to TC go.
  10. So long Tamiya! Last Subscription to TC as well........ All those loyal Tamiya people kicked to the curb. I'm sure there is a big party being thrown somewhere in China right now. They don't give copyrights any concern. They will swoop in and gladly supply the market. Still can't believe Tamiya is this short sighted and stupid.
  11. +1. I joined TC as a true old school Tamiya fan. With that said, let me say that this has caused me to seriously rethink my opinion of Tamiya. To force the removal of vintage and out of production manuals and decals from the TC site looks like pure greed from Tamiya. I have 3 Grandsons that I have been sharing the RC hobby with, and all their vehicles are rare and vintage Tamiya. I think I will switch them to Kyosho. Anyone see ANYthing in my showroom? Make me an offer. TAMIYA can KMA. PS. I never downloaded any manuals from TC. I only referenced manuals to assist with parts and construction of vintage restorations.
  12. Reminder: Fee update coming April 19 Dear 442xcar: Just a reminder that starting April 19, Standard Auction-style fees will be changing and you'll be able to list FREE at any start price--up to 50 items a month. Plus, you can add the Buy It Now option FREE to grab those buyers who don't want to wait for your listing to end. In short, you can list even your higher priced items free and pay only if they sell. Also, to encourage low-cost shipping, Final Value Fees for all sellers will be applied to the total amount of the sale, including shipping. To get the lowest overall fees, just keep your shipping costs low and consider offering free shipping. Let's get this into focus..... Ebay will charge a final value fee on the total sale (including shipping), in order to keep shipping costs down. It is past April Fool's day.
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