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About Snakehands

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  • Birthday 02/03/1970

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    Northwest Surrey

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  1. What I'm telling you this that this shell is so easy to paint and decal, that even a monkey could achieve professional results. This is right at the bottom of the skill level, whereas the sand Scorcher is right at the top. It would be overkill to pay someone to paint a Thunder Shot. You don't even need to spray, as several thin coats with a brush will result in an excellent finish.
  2. Thanks. I got one too now and it works great.
  3. Snakehands

    Dr!ft RC

    This has to be the best RC experience I've ever had. The cars drift beautifully. There's a choice of tyres and road surfaces, tarmac, wet tarmac, rally or snow. Choice of setups, drift or road. In rally cross mode the sensor under the car detects via a marker on the track whether it's on tarmac or rally stage. In road racing if you go through a gravel trap it feels very realistic and you even have reduced grip for a corner when you get back on the track. It's just amazing. https://www.sturmkind.com/en/?gclid=CjwKCAjw7c2pBhAZEiwA88pOF34pWDomAyxiZqz3ski_DMhcCmxQxXH3YkaCalfV3ZKTCE2JQWFekRoC1ZAQAvD_BwE
  4. A close look at what you get with MJX.
  5. Yep. I'm amazed by the quality you get for the price. Three set of wheels with different tyres as well. I'm looking forward to trying the plastic drift tyres.
  6. MJX are good quality judging by independent reviews. I've dipped into the community surrounding the brand and its a breath of fresh air compared to Tamiya. Zero snobbery for a start and no hoarders or braggers.
  7. Today I looked at my still in box Escort MkII, and thought 'shall I shan't I' build it, then just ordered one of these instead for £100. I wonder if a 959 body will fit on it?
  8. Anyone running one of these?
  9. I would never have bought the Infraction, too big and too expensive. Also, you can get a special all black version in the USA exclusive to Amazon, so any suggestion this a clone, and theft of Arrma's IP, is completely wrong with a cherry on top.
  10. I'm blown away by the quality and value for money of this! £100 delivered and including VAT!
  11. That's disgraceful of him. Sounds like he moved to Canada because the UK wasn't woke enough for him.
  12. Are we talking about the same group, the one run my Glen, a Brit from the North of England and now living in Canada?
  13. RC related group on Facebook are great places. I especially like the Tamiya Legends group which is very friendly on the whole. Using FB on my phone can post videos and photos in a fraction of the time it takes to do the same thing on a message board. I don't see FB TL group as being more show offy than this place, but it's certainly less cliquey and generally more respectful. I still remember the unfriendly arrogance of some people in here when I first joined. Message boards like this have also had their historic threads destroyed by the photobucket debacle. What I've noticed is that a lot of silly old sausages seem to hate FB, which I great because I can't stand people who reject modernity.
  14. I'd love to see a video. Got my Escort Mk2 here ready to build. I'll probably do it over Xmas.
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