Greetings from across the pond! It seems like most members are from the UK but I am sure there are some americans like me hiding around. My name of course is Matt. I am mid 30's and have been involved in r/c (real r/c not toy store junk) since I was 13. I race 1/8th scale buggies mostly and on occasion I have been known to wheel my truggy. Lately I have been getting back into the Tamiya spirit.
I started back in 1987 with a Tamiya Blackfoot. Moved onto Traxxas & HPI vehicles in the late 90's and then in 2004 I was turned onto 1/8th scale buggies. I have raced regularly since then but since moving due to a flood, I am farther from the track and getting there can be a pain sometimes.
I love EBay and have aquired 4 Tamiya models to start my collection back up, a Wild Willy 2, a Hornet, a Grasshopper and a Frog. The Wild Willy 2 is a blast to unwind with after a day of work, it will run for about 20 minutes on a 3000mAh battery. The Hornet and Grasshopper are up and running, they are re-release models. The Frog is an origional 80's car and should be up and running by the end of the month. Here are a couple pictures...