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About JatoTheRipper

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/27/1977

Profile Information

  • Location
    Pennsylvania, USA
  • Interests
    My first hobby-grade car was an original Hornet in the 1980^s. I still have that car in my basement as well as my father^s two Frogs.

    I now have RC^s ranging from 1/36th scale to 1/5th scale and almost everything in between. I just recently got back into Tamiyas. I built a Jeep CC01 and a Tamiya Clod Buster last year.

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  1. The Super Avante TD4 shows discontinued in the USA so you may want to get a lot more spares for that car... https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/-road-buggies/rc-super-avante/
  2. Will that work with lacquer? I never heard of that stuff. I forgot to mention I'm in the US. In the meantime, I did find this "plastic friendly" Lacquer Thinner and Paint Remover, both from Tamiya. Lacquer Thinner "Plastic Friendly": https://www.tamiyausa.com/shop/finishing/lacquer-thinner-250ml/none/ Paint Remover: https://www.tamiya.com/english/products/87183/index.html
  3. I am painting details on my Vanquish H10 Optic kit. I believe the plastic is ABS. It is molded in black. I painted some details with Tamiya LP-48 Sparkling Silver Lacquer Paint on the fuel cell shown below. Of course, I accidentally got some paint where I don't want it because I can never find brushes that don't sprout wild hairs. How can I remove this dried paint without damaging the plastic? I tried scraping with an X-Acto, but there is too much at some spots.
  4. Such a unique chassis; A tub style pan-car. Nice parts selection.
  5. This Lexan body was painted with Tamiya PS-46 Iridescent Purple/Green on the inside and then backed on the inside with PS-5 Black. I then cut away the overfilm on the bed surface and sprayed PS-5 Black on the outside. I am used to PS paint becoming dull or flat when sprayed on the outside of a polycarbonate body shell. In this case, as you can see in the video and image below, it became gloss. Why? I want to spray another already-painted body with some white on the outside and I want to ensure it will be glossy white. How can I ensure this will happen? Can PS-58 Pearl Clear be sprayed on the outside of a polycarb body shell and give a glossy finish? Click the first image and it will show a video. The second is just an image.
  6. You can use some tips from the CS (Counter Steer) drift guys.
  7. These days both transmitters and servos can be programmed. You can also purchase a gyro to help stabilize the car. Some transmitter brands have receivers with gyros built into them.
  8. If you want to nitpick, I can change my post from patent to intellectual property. Traxxas has defended both copyrights and patents. This is something companies must do or risk losing that legal protection. I'm not afraid of lawyers or people with more money than me. Copyrights, patents and the lawyers that protect them exist for a reason.
  9. Easy - Horizon! Monopolies are worse than defending your patents. Horizon is trying to buy up every RC company and as a result they have faltered hard. They can't even keep parts in stock.
  10. That looks awesome! I love Traxxas. They singlehandedly reinvigorated the hobby in the US. And they are still dominating. They are very good at doing what they know how to with bashers. When people bash them for defending their own patents, I just laugh about that.
  11. Well the window masks were only left on long enough to paint. The masks were on the body an hour at max. Probably less. They are just super thin and tear easily on the Vanquish Stance body. The overfilm tore off in many pieces as well. But I have to say olive oil worked! Thank you for the tip!
  12. Interesting! Thanks for the info. I actually do have some of that at home.
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