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daddy dustin

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About daddy dustin

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  • Birthday 01/16/1994

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Watervliet, MI, 49098
  • Interests
    I'm interested in rc car or just real cars i love fishing
  1. Hi, my name is Dustin and i just recently purchased a Mad wolf R/C buggy it needs a couple parts and i could use some advice for starters i need the antenna tube a body and preferably a Manual speed control to keep the car original. but you see my problem is i got the money for all of these parts well at least the MSC from tower hobbies but i dont have a pay pal account and no credit card so i am trying to find someone who could possably buy it and send it to me i will pay everything i am also looking for a charger for a tamiya 7.2V nimh pack. but i got the money for them all and im only 15 so could some one please help me out i really need it i can pay for everything no joke just please reply if you live close to me i live in watervliet Michigan zip code 49098 but if anyone can please help me I would greatly appreciate it and im also looking for some advice on how to make it go faster than it does and just some other tips and tricks Email me at Dustin.west@sbcglobal.net or if you got yahoo i can im to im hoem schooled so time is not an issue
  2. Hey friend, i can help you it has 4 wheel independent suspension. Chain drive. 2wheel drive "REAR", Metal shoacks it came out in 1981, it came stock with a 540 J 'johnson motor if i do remember right it is a 25T' it also has a michanical speed control, 2 S3003 servos, it's 1/10 scale, if you need anymore information i would be glad to help you out i jsut recently baught on myself
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