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Max Power

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About Max Power

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  1. Those are some nice photos, thanks Paul. Yogi, I have the small Ni-MH battery that might suit your Tam Tech buggy, it's 101mm x 33mm x 17.5mm. If it is suitable for you I will bring it next time.
  2. Yes that's good for me, sorry for the late reply. Do you guys want to go to the same place or somewhere else?
  3. That works for me, but I'll leave it up to everyone.
  4. Sorry, I'm not in town then either. I'm free on Saturday the 14th, but I completely understand if you guys are busy with other commitments.
  5. It looks like I'm busy on the 15th. Have a good time guys.
  6. Thanks for suggesting the day, it was good to see you guys again.
  7. It's open air Yogi, I don't have a problem with you having a cold.
  8. I think I know the spot you are talking about. I personally think that's a better location than Thorneside.
  9. The 21st is great, I'm happy with whatever time suits you guys.
  10. Sorry guys, but I won't be in town this weekend. Have fun.
  11. Hi guys, Great idea, I'd definitely like to see if the cars still work.
  12. You need to experience some Lunchboxes, hands down the most fun (and trouble free) R/C vehicle ever made!
  13. I've used bendix cleanup with some success, however I don't think it works on Tamiya PS. https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/p/bendix-bendix-cleanup-brake-and-parts-cleaner-400g/288356.html?gclid=CjwKCAjws8yUBhA1EiwAi_tpERjzTGJtQzqVlvWnibgOq9Vr8dpIdpa3qBTw6PswaV54fq5xA_UNwhoCXz8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  14. Do you have a detail spray gun? Have you thought about using a stencil? Something like this https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/275030580292?hash=item4009199c44:g:bcYAAOSwQdZgwBRM
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