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About jonboy1

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  1. Right - an update with some actual progress pictures! I've been both incredibly busy with work the past couple of weeks and suffering with Man Flu, so when I've had the rare opportunity to do something with this I've ended up just falling asleep. However, I did manage to sort out some more parts before meeting Mr. Sandman (nowhere near as scary a chap as Metallica would have you believe) so I think I have everything I need for this. Another special mention needs to go to @Tamiyabigstuff who not only had everything else I needed but very kindly donated some extra parts - Thank you very much mate!! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘ So basically following the instructions, we'll start with the transmission. Note: I think it is a combination of poor artificial light and a crappy camera that makes these parts look extremely dull, because in actuality they are really rather nice. I hope when I get around to taking some in daylight you'll see how they should look. Anyway, we start with 2 nice and clean transmission cases and some polished bushes: Which are combined with some shafts and gears.... Then through the magic of forgetfulness we find them instantly joined together and attached to the rear arms and torsion bars.... ...which also have lovely shiny bushes installed before the rear axles are assembled to the (also sparkly) universal joints... and finally for this stage the final gears and motor are inserted and buttoned up with the gear cover. More lack of photographic evidence sees us suddenly presented with a chassis plate, roll bar and resistor attached. If you're wondering why there is a Bel Ray sticker showing through at the bottom, it was on the skid plate when I got it and I figured it had survived there a long time so it had earned its spot on this build. There was a slight adaptation to the build at this stage, as normally there are 2x 3x10mm screws that come up through the skid plate and chassis and into the transmission cases along with 1x 3x18mm into the well nut. However, somewhat to be expected with 40+ year old parts it had suffered a little damage to one of the threaded holes, so I popped a pair of thin M3 nuts on the end of the bolts which seems to have done the job. A dab of threadlock and it should all be good! Finally for today I rebuilt the dampers. New o-rings and bushes were added and they seem pretty leak-free at the moment. One thing that I learned is that the manual actually tells you to do this: Needless to say, I haven't.....
  2. got a dodgy PM from a new member who joined the night before telling me to contact his mate for some parts I was looking for. @acprc - can you monitor/block please? πŸ‘
  3. Ok, so now this not only makes sense, but seems a really good idea to me now! Making something simple that can easily be modified and customised with other own-brand components is a great idea. Especially if they are making body mounts for iconic bodies like the Sand Scorcher - could we see race series' with them running Rough Rider and Scorcher bodies? Sounds cool to me! It kinda sounds like it's the buggy version of the TT chassis' - one simple chassis with lots of hop ups that you can put virtually any body on.
  4. Oh this is just perfection happening here!!!
  5. just awesome @Thommo - it's the perfect hybrid of all the greatest buggies Tamiya did in the late 80's/early 90's - it's just the GOAT of GOATS'!!!
  6. I'd have to agree the M-03 is the daddy. However, although there are plenty of runners out there, parts are getting more and more difficult to find, in particular the frames. They have a tendency to crack around the upper damper mounts, and new parts disappeared a long time ago. Body posts are also long gone, although I have 3D printed some replacements so could help you out with them if you need some. You can replace the arms with the M-05 ver-II items, which are carbon filled. You occasionally see hop ups like the stabilisers but they are pricey. I think RCJaz still do their alloy hubs for them, so still fun to be had. But definitely check the damper mounts on the frames on any potential purchase - those are the showstoppers. edit: I did a comprehensive build on both a stock M-03 and a fully hopped up version a little while back - might be interesting (to some! )
  7. Nope - I love it too! I don't love the chassis, but I will definitely be getting a body set and wheels for this!
  8. Yes, actually that's more what I'm looking forward to. I'd want to have the E30 body on a TA-02 chassis, the Mini body I'd want to get just to experience what it's like to buy one for a sensible price, and the Audi body - I'd been thinking a TA-08R would be nice, so..... yup - wallet is still looking terrified
  9. Hmmm, my wallet just winced and puckered. Mini, E30, Audi - all signal me becoming more familiar with my credit card statement
  10. Hey Peeps! I wondered if anyone had an original/vintage SRB motor and gear cover set for sale please? Paypal balance waiting! Many thanks Jon
  11. Wow.... My thanks and, most importantly, my heartfelt sympathies and hugs go out to you @Juhunio @Andreas W and @Elbowloh. I really appreciate you all sharing your own experiences - I think there is a lot of comfort in knowing other people not only understand what you are going through, but also that you aren't alone in carrying grief around. If any of you feel like you need to talk or just vent, you are always welcome to PM me. I completely agree with you @Juhunio - dementia is just brutal. My dad went from running his family pharmacy and being an active, caring, funny man to just an empty shell in a hurtfully short time. It is such a degrading way to be taken away. So, lets pick up the build progress..... As I promised, I spent a few hours over the weekend going through my spares to work out what I needed to get. The answer was quite a surprise, as it turns out, not very much at all! I don't actually own a vintage SRB - I've got my re-re, but obviously I don't have any spares from that or left over resto parts for it. I did collect a bunch of 1st gen and rare bits and bobs for a Rough Rider build, but I decided I wasn't really that fussed on a Rough Rider, so I sold it all to a mate, so I really wasn't expecting to have many spares. I was wrong. Looking back through my ol' trusty spreadsheet I realised I've restored/built 8 SRB's for other people over the years, and I guess as I've had to replace one half of a pair of parts I've ended up with a good spare that most of the time the owner has told me to keep for any future builds. Well, a big thank you to all of you, because somehow I've basically got an SRB! For example, the original ball plates for the front upper and lower arms. I automatically put those on my "to buy" list as I was sure I wouldn't have those. Nope - got 5 of 'em. What about the little ball studs that fit in them, and those even smaller ones that go in the steering arms? 12 and 10 of each respectively. And so it went on. A full set of original grooved bushes, the little black ball adjusters, full set of vintage bolts. I was genuinely amazed. The only parts I've needed to buy that I couldn't easily swap out with a re-re part (I'll get to those in a mo) were the rear axles and the ceramic resistor (had the resistor casings, but no resistor - go figure.... ) edit: I realised I mentioned in my previous post that I had the resistor and plate. I didn't, it was the 3 contact one I had pulled, not the wider 2 pin.) The few other bits will be easy to replace with re-re parts - the rubber boot for the switch, torsion bars, motor cover and a few others, so I'm confident I can get this completed. The only bit I know I won't be able to get are the door handles, but there are some good replicas on ebay so I'll grab a pair of those. The one other bit I'm not sure about is the "dodgy looking speed controller" as it is really dodgy. Well, the contact arm is dodgy, the rest is salvageable. The arm looks like it has delaminated, but also been attacked with a grinder, as one solder contact is barely hanging on. I'm wondering if I can make a replacement, or if I should just try gluing and clamping it together and see if that works? I mentioned I was going to use the wheels and tyres off the FAV's previous iteration, but I've changed my mind since. Although the rims are the same, I'm going to swap them out for the set I've got on my re-re, as the FAV had a set of Ishipla tyres on, which although are very cool, don't look "original" if you follow me, so I'll put on the standard fronts and my cut paddle rears, which I think look super cool. With pretty much everything sorted it was time to start cleaning and polishing. So out came the dremmel and the scotchbrite pads and a couple of hours later I had very grubby hands and a pile of nice shiny metal parts. I've not gone for super polished, just "brightened." When I did @barneys66 Scorchers he wanted a nicer finish than the old flat, mottled grey, but not blingy polished. So after a bit of experimenting I found that polishing them up with a wire brush attachment on the dremmel first, then going over them again with a scotchbrite pad by hand you get a really nice, bright, even, flat finish. There were a few scuffs in the bottom of the transmission cases, so I've filed those out and just need to polish the rest of it. Again, this has ended up being a lot of words and no pictures. I can't take any pictures in my garage due to the number of secret projects I have in progress (or it might be because it is a horrible mess and I'm ashamed to show it - I'll let you decide which) so I promise to take some pictures from my nice sterile white table inside tonight! Which brings me to @Juhunio's last comment. I totally understand about the laugh-like But I don't understand why you thought my passport photo was so funny.....?
  12. Ah, now that would make sense! I've got a WW so that would explain why I have one (was wondering!) I didn't know there was a specific battery for the WW though, that's very interesting!
  13. Thank you @Krustybus and @svenb - and everyone else who has liked this so far - I really appreciate your support So, I got a big box of parts yesterday - thanks very much again @junkmunki πŸ‘and started laying out what I've got and what I need: So I stripped all of these down and popped them in a nice relaxing bath of parts cleaning fluid with a few candles placed around, so they should look lovely and clean and shiny in a bit While this was going on in a dark corner of my garage, I set about rummaging though my spares and came up with: a set of wheels and tyres off my previous incarnation of the FAV, complete with alloy face inserts complete set of radio gear hump back battery (see other post about this as I have no idea if this is right) antenna and fixings cable grommet for radio box steering arms servo linkage and rubber boot dodgy looking speed controller screws, bolts, nuts rubber bushes and brass sleeves for dampers resistor and mounting plate rear body clip stinger exhaust a few other bits and bobs. I've got another box I need to go through so I will hopefully turn up a few more bits. So I reckon I'm about 90% there. I'll do a detailed tick list over the weekend and then order the last few bits and hopefully start putting some of this together!
  14. I'm building this Sand Scorcher for my bro-in-law and obviously want to put a battery pack in it so he can run it. I've dug through my spares and I have a dark grey hump pack. From what I remember of doing other restos they all had light beige packs. Is the grey one just a later model? My plan would be to gut the pack of the old cells and put new ones in, so it looks old but performs like new. Does anyone see any issue with this? Any info much appreciated!
  15. That's a super neat idea @dannymulder - great work! πŸ‘ It's funny how some things just fit perfectly - when i did my FAV Evo I based the steering on the M-06 and like you was amazed that it would fit the holes perfectly! I flipped the servo on its side so it would fit under the dashboard, and again, the holes lined up perfectly!
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