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About eriknyg

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  1. Is there a Tamiya support mail for such questions?
  2. Thanks for trying! I replaced the original motor with a 380. So I need a pinion for the 380, and I have found several that can be used, but don't know what pitch or module to choose. Some are standard 48 pitch, others are module 0.6 and so forth.
  3. I have the 1:12 Porsche 934 version. Need to know what pitch/module the spur & pinion are. :-)
  4. I'll do this, or dye trying! Thanks a lot!
  5. Dear god, I bet you're a Tamiya fan too, please bring back the Egress! The only "Avante-buggy" I find sacret. And the rebirth of the Porsche 959 can't be wrong, either. :-)
  6. Since it came with Graupner gear: Graupner BMW 3.5 CSL Kit no. 4972 in the 79 catalogue.
  7. Post deleted by user. No help to get here, anyway.
  8. I will follow your advice. Thank you!
  9. I bought myself a scale Robbe car. Previous owner has of course bonded the headlamp (plastic) glass to the reflector using superglue. What a mess. The glass has come loose, but some glue remains. I wonder how I should remove it.
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