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About egalsim

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  1. Yes, you really have to do some planning with the Javelin when installing the electronics if you want a clean look because of the cage. I love how the cage exposes the car and gives it that "real" buggy look.
  2. This is my Kyosho Javelin made from a Turbo Optima Gold Rere, was originally using a rere optima frame, but I got a Turbo Optima gold rolling chassis for a REALLY good price in mint condition (never ran). Moved the Javelin components to the Turbo and removed the stabilizers (put them on my Turbo Optima, re re optima chassis) along with the gold shocks. The video shows how I mounted my electronics inside, it's kind of tricky with the Javelin.
  3. Assembled my Optima Mid re release LWB
  4. I used to go to Wold's every wednesday after martial arts training next door. I loved that place! Used to get Estes rockets from there.
  5. My Kyosho 1/8 TKI4. Basically can run anywhere, 1/8 buggy durability, and parts are cheap when you find them.
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