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About Falcon#5

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  • Birthday 05/08/1977

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    Western Australia

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  1. You may be concerned, but it's never stopped you before. Especially considering a Kyosho of this calibre.
  2. Finally hit the button on a set of JIS screwdrivers after all these years. Made in Japan. Purchased from eBay. When they arrived they were in an Amazon padded envelope, complete with an Amazon receipt inside which was $10 less than I paid. Told Mrs Falcon about it & she said it's a thing. People put items on eBay that they don't actually have, once purchased they then buy it on Amazon and send it direct to you for an inflated price. Cheeky mongrels...
  3. The cars on the right hand side of the shot are testament to this.
  4. Having 5 fingers & a thumb may explain his giant hands. Nice work on the driver figures BTW.
  5. A little known fact is that Ray Lynch was also an accomplished pianist.
  6. Needed to do some 1:1 car wrenching, fitted new clutch master & slave cylinders to my old YN57 Hilux. It takes forever to get anyone in my family motivated to help bleed brakes/clutch, so I splashed out on a vacuum bleeder. Should've bought one years ago! Drafted final design for a stand to display some buggies. Will build it tomorrow hopefully. EDIT: Final design.
  7. After being crook all week & only being able to do Fusion 360 tutorials while I found the energy to be awake, today I thought I should go through the TA03R/F parts I have. I stripped the R recently to rebuild, but I also have maybe 90% of an F too. 2x FRP chassis also & some other hop ups. Pulled it all out & suddenly lost interest. . My son was asking about the Lunchbox recently, so thought I should have a look at it, & another chassis I have on the shelf. Started digging through boxes in my man cave to find another 2x Lunchboxes, well, maybe 1.85, there's a few more parts needed. I have a Unimog body & 2x Midnight Pumpkin bodies that I bought ages ago, all in lexan. So I essentially have 4x CW-01 now . There are some quirky mods done to them too, which I will save for a separate thread. While digging through the boxes, I also re-discovered a treasure trove of forgotten items from a huge job-lot I bought a while back (which included 3x of the CW-01's & maybe 2 dozen wheels & tyres to suit). A couple of DT01's, DF02 & DF03 semi assembled & accompanying box of parts, both with a mountain of carbon & blue ally hop-ups, a Kyosho Outlaw Rampage nitro & Ultima RB nitro, a few other chassis I didn't inspect too much, & some kind of what looks like 1/8 nitro pan/touring car . I will be tapping into the TC brains trust soon to identify what I have. New thread & photos to follow. Thanks in advance.
  8. @Jason1145 what set up are you using to record speed there? I plan on doing some speed runs, but I'm a bit reluctant to stuff my phone in the car to do it. Are you using some kind of sender unit in the car which talks to the tablet?
  9. Falcon#5

    Super Falcon

    Problem sorted.
  10. The onset of the cooler weather in the Southern Hemisphere has motivated me to start tinkering with RC again. The OG Falcon rebuild has stalled, some indecision on what path to take with this. So I have put that out of my mind for the time being. After some quiet contemplation on what to tackle next, I have decided on this. I bought these kits a few years ago, with the intention of myself & the kids to do a family build. They both have zero interest in this idea. . I'm not sure what to do with the other 2 kits now. Not sure if I need 6 of what is essentially the same car... My plan is a few simple mods, but my intentions will become clearer over time. I won't go into too much detail with the basics of the build, but first up is the usual bearing upgrade. I usually fit cheap eBay ones without issue, but this set of 1150's aren't that flash. After cleaning out the sticky grease with brake cleaner and using proper bearing oil, one of them was binding. The inner race is slightly egg shaped & the others seem quite loose. The 850 i got from the same seller is spot on. I'll fit them, as they spin freely, & may swap them over later. A set of allen head stainless steel screws will be holding this together.
  11. Falcon#5

    Super Falcon

    Good to see someone taking on this project. It has been something i have wanted to do for a long time now. I even bought all the front end parts a number of years ago to build a Falcon Hawk, but have yet to get motivated... Two Blitzer Beetles & a Stadium Blitzer are sitting in my man cave awaiting me to do something with. (Along with a Bear Hawk & 5 or 6 Falcons...) So I am following this thread with interest. Have you checked out TamiyaBase? There is info for all 3 models including manuals which can be downloaded. Blitzer Beetle link & Blitzer Beetle Manual link. The screw pin lengths are slightly different to the width of the suspension arms & C hubs. These are all lower arm. Screw Pin Arm Width Front Inside 46mm 45.8mm Front Outside 32mm 30.5mm Rear Inside 46mm 44.5mm Rear Outside 38mm 35.8mm Screw Pin C Hub Length Kingpin 22mm 21mm
  12. Some 1:1 scale rolling down the main street.
  13. I'm totally digging this. Love the Super Champ-esque initial styling. Front & rear suspension is screaming some kind of upcoming 'Nova Falcon'. Also having a similar front suspension & the caged body has a Bear Hawk feel to it... Time will tell I guess.
  14. Maybe the inspector & Labrador are Kyosho fans?
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