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About xcopy.exe

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  1. Got shipping notice from Towers this morning. Order date was 11/24. I had given up that they would be able to fulfill. Maybe my blockhead order still has a chance.
  2. Anyone know what parts break easy on the XLS? I haven't built mine, but if it's being discontinued, I should probably grab the "guaranteed" to break/bend parts (like the Avante C and D parts).
  3. Just finished building the Javelin with almost all available Option House parts. I think this was my favorite build experience so far (even better than the Avante). About to start building the Turbo Optima and with all the gold parts, I think a black Javelin cage would really highlight the gold. Does anyone know if the Turbo Optima body will fit over the Javelin aluminum roll bar (OT251)? I'm hoping to switch between the Javelin cage and the Turbo Optima body. Thanks in advance.
  4. Tower Hobbies now has this listed. https://www.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?I=LXLZRE&P=7 Can't wait.
  5. Also got shipping notice from AMain. They have 21 left in stock.
  6. Currently in stock (limited quantities) at Tower Hobbies. $193.99.
  7. My Tower Hobbies order was just charged and is being prepared for shipment. Currently showing in stock with limited quantities. $248.99 before various available coupons. RCMart has it listed now for $179.90. No stock, but has a note saying in stock before end of Jan 2017. Nothing listed at Stella's yet.
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