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About terragni

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/14/1966

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  • Location
    sydney australia
  • Interests
    slot cars

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  1. Richard I have a vintage 58111 Mountain Rider for sale DM me we can have a chat Michael
  2. Tom, all good I have only vintage items, I will dm you a few pics We can take it from there Mike
  3. Wranger Indeed postage will be more than the value going to the UK I have a set that I paid $ 25 usd for, you are welcome to it at that price Postage will probably be about $ 30 aud signed for So in total looking at about 37 pounds Let me know Mike
  4. Wranger I have a spare new vintage wrap-around window Where are you located ? Mike
  5. I have 2 sets of nip rear tires - Y 2612 Looking to trade one set for nip front tires Thanks
  6. Brian I think the ones you have are a bit rarer than the others I have a few spare shorter ones, they have the same two long leafs spot welded together I am guessing one of these longer leafs have snapped ? How confident are you in drilling out the aluminum rivet holding them together, and re-assembling ? If you are keen I can send over a spare shorter set and you can use the longer leafs ? Let me know Mike
  7. Britaff Two versions of these springs, shorter smaller 2 leafs and longer smaller 2 leafs I am guessing they tried to make the suspension a bit less stiff (unsuccessfully) Which version are you after Mike
  8. RC guy part is free, surplus to requirements maybe you can return the favour to someone in need when you can paypal is fine private message me your details
  9. RC guy postage round $ 21 A$ https://auspost.com.au/parcels-mail/calculate-postage-delivery-times/#/option/international/AU/US times 10 - 20 business days if you still keen, private message me all your details and we can go from there
  10. RC guy Must be my lighting Where are you located ?
  11. Did you get hooked up ? I think the FS is called the End Plate I have a spare new vintage Rear Bumper If you cover postage from Australia it is yours
  12. Fuijp Message me, I have what you are after terragni
  13. Chickenman I may be able to help you out I have a chassis off a shelfqueen and a new one These are from the Hotshot, may be different to Supershot PM me we can chat terragni
  14. Andy I have a new vintage rear bumper and used vintage front one Shipping from Australia however PM if interested and I can send some pics terragni
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