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About Holmsey

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  1. Away on holiday at the moment. Will find you a link when Im home. They should have been 2 for £30 but came in a sealed box as a twin pack. Guess whoever dispatched them thought 2 items meant 2 packs. Still a good price regardless. I think I just got lucky.
  2. Bought my venom batteries from Amazon. Had no issues. Got 4 for £30! They're tiny and will fit in all my cars.
  3. Can't wait. Determined to finish a final this year!
  4. Looks like a good one! Sorry I couldn't make it. Will see you in the new year Happy Christmas everyone.
  5. Runners all sorted and batteries charged. Have even put my hand in my pocket and joined BRCA. Despite what's happened, am looking forward to a good meet tomorrow. Cheers john and mark for all the effort you've both put into these meets and for sorting an alternative venue at such short notice.
  6. What a shame! Am gutted. What's the likelihood of being able to get them up and running again sometime in the future? Will get myself to A1. Will be good to get some practice on a track. Might need a marshall or two though, if my driving is anything like it was at the revival!
  7. Thanks for the complements. Took a lot of effort to get the paint to stick to the Holiday buggy body, but it can be done. There's a guide on the Tamiya USA site if anybody is interested. Will just have to think of a new scheme for next year now. Big, big, thank you to Lee Davies for organising this event. I'm sure it must have taken a great deal of time and effort, and it was an absolutely epic day! Roll on next year!
  8. Entered into both classes. Now to book the Travelodge. Roll on September. Really looking forwards to this!
  9. Congratulations John on a superb day and raising all that money for charity! Was fantastic seeing all those vintage cars racing! Especially enjoyed watching the 79 to 88 heats. I gradually got smoother and quicker with my Supershot over the course of the day, but some of those pro racer guys really were in a different league! Here's hoping to another revival next year. I want another go!
  10. Well have finally got myself booked in. Am going to be running my Wild One and Supershot. Really looking forward to this! To anyone who hasn't raced before and is unsure about entering, let me say that last years Dt02 event was the first time that I had been on a track. Sure, my driving sucked, but it was great fun and a brilliant day out! At the revival you're going to be racing with like minded people of a similar ability. This promises to be a fantastic event, so blow the dust off those models and get yourselves entered!
  11. Thanks for looking into the issue regarding securing the transponder. I have a couple of ideas for securing them to a hotshot / Supershot, and will post them up on here once I know the dimensions. This promises to be a quality day out! Really looking forward to it.
  12. Had a great day sunday. Unfortunately wont be able to make the next one. Have fun!
  13. Another great meet with a really good turn out. Roll on the next one.
  14. Well, really enjoyed my 1st Clumber meet. Had a great day out, and was good to meet some new people. Wish I had done it years ago when I first started following this thread! No major casualties from the day. Not bad considering everything went off the ramp. Just a broken Hornet wing and a rather noisy Blackfoot transmission. Was great to give her a run again though! Will be there on the 8th of December.
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