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About gt4baby

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  • Birthday 01/25/1985

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    real cars, rc cars, football, nba, coffee, sports, martial arts

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  1. Both for sale 500 euro each. Shipping worldwide. box has wear for the age but the kit is new from the 80s.
  2. Selling two Tamiya Hornet new in box with still sealed blisters. Code 5845 and 58045, One version has Japanese written on the box. Both are new and their blisters still sealed. Selling 400 euro each excluding shipping from Cyprus (Europe)
  3. I am selling two Tamiya hornets from 1985 with code 58045 They are still new in their boxes and coming out from my collection. Price is 1000 euro for both plus shipping. I am situated in Cyprus so shipping would be from Europe.
  4. Two (2) x vintage tamiya hornet 5845, still new in the boxes for sale 1000 euro both, 500 euro each. shipping extra cost with tracking number and signature on delivery.
  5. Looking to buy a first release tamiya hornet 5845 new in box . Regards,
  6. looking only new in box original releases. Cash in Hand. feel free to pm with photos and your asking prices. Thanks 58045 Tamiya hornet tamiya celica castrol 58129 tamiya celica repsol 58119 tamiya celica 58096 tamiya celica 58064
  7. WTB vintage tamiya hornet 5845 NEW IN BOX. I only want to buy the first edition and new in box unbuilt. Thanks
  8. Hello all I am looking to buy the original Tamiya Hornet 5845, only NEW IN BOX. If anyone is interested to sell, kindly contact me personally. Thanks George
  9. Sorry i thought i already uploaded Thanks for letting me know
  10. SOLD tg10 mk1 tamiya nsx raybrig nitro. comes with box and radio controller. it ran twice, and you can see the condition under the chassis. i will ship worldwide at buyers expense. i could trade with a vintage tamiya hornet (58045) but NIB, and i will throw the extra cash if someone has one and is interested 155 euro excluding shipping (from Cyprus - Europe)
  11. I seek to buy a formula 1 for my collection. I prefer older models not the latest. I am in between a 58288 ferrari 2002 and ferrari 310b. Which one is most wanted? As i understand the first is 4wd and the latter is 2wd.and the first being more realistic. What do collectors have or get?
  12. Drove 1 hour to pick up this literally new tamiya nsx raybrig tg10mk1 for 30 euro.
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