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About Quandry

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  1. Just built my Super Astute and next step is paint work. Going for a light gun metal just to have a different look. Enjoyed building the kit but Dynastorm is still my favourite. Hopefully Tamiya give us a Dynastorm ReRe one day so I can top up my collection 😅
  2. Very interesting read so much great detail! Myself and my wingman recently started running Dancing Riders on 3S Lipo and we found them to be a lot of fun - they can high speed slalom at the same speed as there own top speed. I see your dual rider lapped the slowest in the hot lap round 1 but I can also see that from the track layout there are a lot of high speed straight area and running a basic nimh the performance would not be that great (Not a criticism of your setup in any way). Question - have you run Lipo in any of your cars? it would be interesting to see a Lipo vs NiMh shootout with your data table at some point in the future, I guess lipo should be faster but would be interesting to see what the stats say. The data breakdown you are giving on your cars is excellent, and this is accentuated by your excellent paint work and photography skills - bravo all round!!
  3. I bought the Comical Frog and Comical Hornet, to collect with my comical Grasshopper - delivered by Tamico this week Would be amazing if Tamiya released a comical Hotshot!!
  4. I just opened up a plastic wrapped Boomerang last night and it had a TBLE02 inside (from Tamiya). That speedcontroller can run brushed or brushless so I would also consider looking at Tamiya brushless motors, they might give you better bang for your buck over the old stuff.
  5. no worries !! There's not much action in the group but I'll post up some more stuff and maybe if you do also it will stir the others from hibernation Geoff
  6. Cheers and hello back! I am not aware of any Tamiya vintage events - although most of the year I am RC Flying, I mainly pickup again on Tamiya builds and bashing over the Winter. There doesn't seem to have been much Tamiya stuff going on in the ROI back in the day, I have successfully infected a few friends with the Tamiya virus though and we have a Tamiya R/C Ireland group you're welcome to join, maybe it might be possible to get a vintage event going through there as there's a few guys from all over the country, I'd definately bring a couple of ReRe buggies to run anyway https://www.facebook.com/groups/TamiyaIreland/ There's a carpet indoor track at Naul which could be fun, I wonder if there's anything around Newry or even closer up your direction? Indoor is great because there's less cleaning!! haha
  7. I just received my Comical Grasshopper from Tamico so my collection begins - haha!
  8. Looks great! I tried to buy a NIB Winger body shell a few years back on Ebay but lost the auction. Seeing this thread has revived my interest and I took a leaf out of your book and ordered a repro. Will be building it as a basher over the Xmas break as I have a Boomerang kit ready to go together
  9. Presumably the easiest cars to "go comic" on are those with drivers included so that narrows it down a bit to the older buggies.
  10. I bought the Landcruiser GF01 for my son a couple of years back and it has taken an absolute pounding and comes back for more - very rugged and durable (while his friends TA02 has been breaking every time they are out bashing together). The GF01 can go anywhere - no issue with long grass or steep inclines etc and nice balance between able to pop a wheelie and not just constantly wheelying and uncontrollable. I guess based on that experience then I can see a really big advantage in the GF01 chassis and hopefully also the WR2. The only thing is I found out that the WR2 uses a slightly shorter battery tray, so I'll need to find a suitable LiPo that will do the trick. The GF01 takes a hard case 3,600 it just slides right in there and runs for a looong time.
  11. Those are pretty fast buggies for a 9 year old. Did you look at the Comical Grasshopper? they can bounce around and take a hit. Looks like something out of Mario Kart too so could be very enticing for a young kid. I guess some 9 year old kids could still be in to fast buggies but just a thought.
  12. Another point to consider is will there be comical 4wd... like a Boomerang on a GF01 CB or something like that.... :O I like the lighting options too! the lights on the Grasshopper looks awesome and overall the setup reminds me a bit of something you would see in Mario Kart. I still really like the classic cars too but IMO this is a genius move by Tamiya for a subcategory of collectible.
  13. Every time I look at the Comical Grasshopper I am finding it more and more appealing and this video is not helping!! I wonder if Tamiya will release a Comical Hornet, Comical Hotshot, Comical Frog, Comical Avante?? Imagine if they released a Comical 959 lol the die hards would be sick. I can see this being a whole new collectible range. I am already out of space in my display case so have to come up with some kind of archival rotating storage option haha! Which model would you like to see come back as a comical and why?
  14. Excellent job! looks great I love the photo work too!
  15. I know it's a desireable car but €260 seems pricey enough for a 2wd?? It would be nice to know if the €260 includes the brushless motor? if so then maybe it's a more attractive deal.
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