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About bsy2010

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    Achern, Germany

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  1. Not sure I‘d go for that long distance between steering and servo. any kind of flex in the chassis might effect the steering,
  2. This is limited to parts that alter the dimensions of the car
  3. Batteries are always labeled with their nominal voltage, as the actual voltage might vary. In case of a normal Lipo cell, the nominal voltage is 3,7V, a NiMH is 1,2V, but actual values are much higher, like the 4,2V of your Lipo
  4. please send a mail to info@... I will read and track everything, but I don't want to be the only one
  5. glad you've made it We're at 180 registrations after less than 24 hours, so this is going to be big. Actually, we have to find a way to fit everyone into the tight schedule See you in May, my VQS will be there as well!
  6. Tamico has them listed for 135 Euro. Still more than a DT-03 of course
  7. Crawlers and Scalers are using outrunners now, but none of them is sensored. So, they won't work with your ESC. You could go for a 25.5 (or higher) sensored brushless motor, but they are not cheap. Or try different brushed motors from 30 to 55 turns, as they are cheap
  8. They have added front axles with hex mounts and the rest of the front seems to be updated for more setup choices
  9. Well, just like with anything else, there are way too many choices. An ISDT, Hota or ToolKitRC charger are options, the latetest GensAce look good too. For you, you might want to look at power supplies from Skyrc, ToolkitRc or ISDT with 150-300 watts, which would be cheaper than a new charger
  10. Most people I know use a modified PC power supply. Why didn’t you get a charger with a built in unit?
  11. There are alternatives from Ruddog or LRP, just more expensive. I run Intellect in various sizes in all my cars, never failed me The XT60 connector can handle higher amps, is easier to get cables on, and easier to connect/disconnect
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