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About pleiku68

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  • Birthday 04/24/1946

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  1. Happy Birthday to you!

  2. I had a great experience last week..I was looking for a new or used CRP Butterfly chassis plate for my MIP four wheel drive Sand Scorcher Projects.. I sent inquiries to some of my old time collector friends.. He went though his vast inventory and found the part.. Actually he found an MIP Chassis plate the correct one for the project...Then he sent it to me without charging a dime... Now I have occasionally sent parts to many of our TC members for free...This is Kama.. I won't mention his name but he shows up on TC periodically.. He myself and two other collectors were trying to obtain the first 100 Tamiya NIB about 12 years ago..I believe he accomplished the task..I only got to 92.. You should have seen eBay back then when we were all bidding on the same rare kit...lol Good to see we still have enthusiasts in this hobby People that care more about collecting than a profit...
  3. Do not use Amoral that I can tell you. I have used beeswax after cleaning the tires...This help bring back the softness...light brushing with black shoe polish, not too much will bring back the color...
  4. I have always used warm Dawn Blue dish liquid...Also the vibrating tooth brushes work great..I would my wife's when she was out..lol If you want to clean a new built shelf queen a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol.works very well..spray it on and hit it with a hair dryer on cool setting.. removers all dust without having to take anything apart.. you can easily do 10 to 15 per hour..
  5. That is too funny...MIP, RCH, CRP are all manufactures of the most sort after market parts for the SRB's.. But this should be in the vintage forum..lol Moore's Ideal Products in correct and they still make great parts for today's cars
  6. For the last couple of months I have sold many NIB vintage kits and rare parts..close to 100 auctions..Have another 100 to go. Mostly all SRB.. Anyway three MIP Sand Scorchers will be going up two with NIP 4x400 4 wheel drive conversion ktts..The rarest MIP aftermarket parts.. My collection was close to 80 vintage NIB kits and hundreds of NIP parts...Most of it will be sold..
  7. I can see one part that may not be mk 1...The brass u-joints...I believe the original RR had blacken steel... I have an NIB kit and will look..If i am wrong don't hate me..lol Jerry
  8. Nov 5 (8 days ago) .. http://www.fastener-express.com/ They have everything and reasonably priced
  9. Wow...I sent packages to Greece and Italy that were never delivered to the buyers...They reached the Post Office in those countries but that is a far as they could be tracked..Does that make me a racist??? Now I will have to add New Jersey to my no shipping list Oh, thanks for the link to my auction....lol Jerry
  10. You are right....Rad had some parts plated and put this car together with a duplicate body You can see this in his showroom ..Some of the parts are not even plated..
  11. After looking at the picture closely I do not think its the one i built..Rad had one plated similar to the community car and did a duplicate body.This is the one on his site..Some of the parts are not the way I would have finished them..I will give Chris an email see if he has the original pictures..Thanks again Jerry
  12. Thank you my friend...The picture is perfect..Take care Jerry
  13. I have an almost built 934 RSR rolling chassis..Well almost rolling need wheels. I have a new set of sponge tires and wheels..Many years ago I bought the static kit..The body is almost the same..Except for the body mounts, antenna hole and either the front or the back licence plate area..That is what I can not remember...Anyway I have the body mounts and the everything else including original decals..What else is different between the static body and the Original..Thanks Jerry
  14. Thank you Rich...Those are the ones Rad had posted after he received the car to make the Body..I am looking for the Originals that I believe went to Chris..I wanted to see the car without the body... We had them in the forum back then..
  15. I like original and modified...My only interest that I can mostly relate to are the SRB's...A Sand Scorcher new built is a work of art...An MIP Scorcher,which some would call modified, is an entity unto itself.. I guess its how you look at things...I enjoy all the cars modified or Original..As a lot of you know I am down sizing my collection..In this hobby the memories are what counts..Enjoy every aspect, modified or Original while you can....
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