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About fakiee

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  1. Thanks for the insights Saito2 and ADRay1000 Your right the driveshafts do rub when the suspension is fully extended, and I tired what you suggested by compressing the suspensions, straightening the drive shafts and the issue still persists. I need to limit shock travel but I don't think that's the issue. I've stripped the gearbox now to rebuild the diff as I received it built, as ADRay1000 says it could be unbalanced.
  2. Hey, just build my Monster Beetle with a alloy gear box, carbon plates and a MIP diff. I was expecting a super smooth drive train but when testing it judders like a tractor with the wheels on. Under power it resonates and judders like crazy, if I find a good power band it smooths out, but then goes back to juddering. Any advice on this? Diff feels smooth and doesn't happen when wheels removed. Video for the issue Monster Beetle Wheel Judder
  3. Do you have a photo of the fix you did with the gearbox and bearing? I can see the super astute has the plastic insert for the left side of the gearbox, but this is offset so not sure how to replace with a bearing?
  4. Thanks Thommo, The crunching sounded more like it was coming from the diff/counter gear, but I had the screws pretty **** tight. I re-tightened all screws for the gearbox, motor mount, and bulkhead screws to within an inch of their lives and this seemed to solve the issue.
  5. So I've just built up a Super Astute, and when running at full throttle from stand still I get a nasty clicking sound from the gearbox. It's a loud clicking sound on heavy acceleration, doesn't happen if I'm really slow to accelerate. I've built these gearboxes since my 91 astute 30 years ago so was really surprised to find and messed up some how. Now for the life of me find the source of the issue. Anyone else experience this? I'm running a stock 27t motor, nicd, and esc with standard gearing.
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