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About Dazibao

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  1. Started paintwork on my brother’s bruiser, used 4 cans in total, will do a final coat on monday and clear coat it
  2. I wanted to share this, it cost me 7.Euro (excluding the truck ) It sounds surprisingly good for such a small speaker unit. My friends were very impressed and they all want their own High-Lifts now ! You need one of these bluetooth audio things. Audio cable should be short so you can stick it into the chassis.
  3. So I came back here with some questions. 1- Please help me understand center differential set, what does it do? Is it normal for an rc vehicle to have center differential, seems to me this is too much engineering, what is this worth do you think ? There is one on eBay (150.Gbp) 2- I won't be running this car too often but i am intrigued with the different parts used in Celica & 959 so i am trying to gather all optional parts for it. Are there any other hop - ups / upgrades i should look for ? So far i have ordered following: +Celica Grb Prop shaft set +Fasteddy rubber sealed bb set for Porsche 959 Thanks.
  4. I was looking for some ebay advice but then i no longer needed it so i deleted the post - new to forums 😅
  5. Some years ago I visited a Hobby shop in Malaysia and saw couple of NIB Black Specials on shelf. I wanted to buy one and surprisingly the dealer told me they were part of his private collection and refused to sell ! (This was not Stargek in KL but another dealer.) I hope he really was collecting for himself and not for profit ! Anyway i still wanted to get something so i bought from the same shop a re-re Sauber c9 with painted body. I found out later on when i returned home that it was missing the sport tuned black motor ! (Home is 6000 miles from Kuala Lumpur) Due to this i have lost confidence in Hobby shops and i try and inspect contents of a box before i purchase Maybe someday i will have an Avante
  6. Excellent paintwork on your SS & Bruiser. I think your selection of models here are perfect examples of Tamiya Spirit. I have also acquired more than a few Tamiya kits to relieve childhood memories and i'm afraid i have spent too much...And time has come to stop buying and start building. These little things are really special i don't why we love these cars so much... I guess they have character ?
  7. Some crazy prices on eBay - What is an original Boomerang worth NIB ? I always wanted one as a kid.
  8. You are right Internet did help with my purchases over the years. Just reminiscing over childhood memories Don’t get to see family too often these days.
  9. This was a very lucky find indeed. I didn't even search for a 959 - I saw some pics online and here we are. Me and my brother we would look at Tower Hobbies catalogs my dad brought home and dream about these... Life was so much better before Internet and smartphones!
  10. Box art F-350 with Tamiya ball bearings set & MFC unit. Hooked up to an older iPhone mostly playing classical music - listen to podcasts etc. 5000 Mah. Battery will play music and provide lights for hours maybe even a couple days. Built during lockdowns, it took me 2 weeks to complete, one of my favorite Tamiya kits.
  11. What kind of engine those trikers are powered with ? are you pulling the caravan with those bikes ?
  12. Nice to see fellow bikers on TC. Currently i own an F850GS and before that i rode Japanese cruisers. Suzuki Marauder & Honda Shadow. I used to build and fly Rc aircraft, mostly scale civilian types like this Beaver, but most friends got out of the hobby. I no longer find time and energy to pack aircraft and gear into the car and drive an hour for the airfield. Due to covid i have to spend less on hobbies so i will stop collecting new stuff and try and enjoy what i have..
  13. Reason for secrecy is i didn't want someone to get their 15th NIB 959 before i received one to actually build and enjoy. This is an official Tamiya Distributor. Should be easy to locate. Do your own detective work I know that they had at least 2 NIB 959s at some point in their shop. I believe one with Rothmans decals (thanks to futureworks' comment) and one without them in addition to a built 959 on display. I managed to acquire the one with racing decals. I have no further information regarding the other NIB and the one on shelf. This was an exciting little christmas adventure and I wanted to share it with TC where i have been a long time lurker. Thank you for your comments and happy new year !
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