I was running my old Monster Beetle just today after many years of disuse and I noticed something that got me thinking. When the vehicle was in a rough spot and really needed some torque on the wheels, I noticed the wheels (aluminum rims) were just 'slipping' inside the tires. That is, the tires were not spinning, but the motor, tranny, differential, axles, and rims were all moving. There is apparently not enough grip between the tire and rim to organically prevent this.
A long-standing question I also have, which I imagine relates in a round about way, is this: I can't figure out why my Monster Beetle has shocks. Every time I hit a bump that would normally actuate the shocks, the tires just compress. When running the car the shocks do not move even once. The tires just 'deflate' to absorb the shock. (To be clear, the re-inflate each time, too.)
Both of these seem to indicate a poor contact between tire and rim. How do you guys deal with this? Or do you at all? Should I be gluing my tires onto the rims? Should I buy slightly smaller tires? I'd love to hear feedback from the community.