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About chevelle

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  • Birthday 02/24/1977

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  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia.

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  1. I have these two available, 1=Ta01 & 1=Ta02 I'm based in Australia.
  2. Here is one i need help with, I feel I know this but can't quite remember Top drive shaft Hotshot, bottom one....?!?!
  3. just spotted these https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Used-Tamiya-58066-Super-Sabre-A-parts-vintage-Boomerang-Hotshot/292527233030?hash=item441bfb5806:g:60kAAOSwX1Za1dvu
  4. Just spotted this, Fair price ( Not mine no affiliation) https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Vintage-Tamiya-Super-Sabre-Radio-Control-Car-Part-Restored/202290532217?hash=item2f19748f79:g:5D4AAOSw3uVa1QIE
  5. Just checking, But you know that apart from the colour they are still both different
  6. This looks brilliant buddy, Nice job on the body detail's
  7. As for the shock, It's not perfect but great for a runner So payment would be rude of me It's your's for the cost of postage Pm me your details
  8. Hey buddy, Where are you located? I may have what you need, I'm based in Melbourne Australia.
  9. What a great looking custom rally bug my friend Looking forward to seeing what you find for a front bumper & of cause some pictures of it spraying dirt
  10. Today was finish the Terra Scorcher day Tidied up the wing then cut and applied the decals I'm happy with how she's come up Original body with paint cleaned off the windows then backed the paint, New TF wheels and tyres, Front arm metal brace upgrade
  11. Hi all I recently picked up this lot of HSII parts and a nice SS body set to make up another Hybrid beauty to join the Dark shot After sorting out the parts I spent the day out in the workshop and came up with this
  12. Yes British racing green, With some Yellow accents
  13. Hey there is a guy on Gumtree Aus selling a roller chassis amongst other cars. maybe he would do a deal? https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/scarborough/miscellaneous-goods/radio-control-cars/1157825857
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