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About Ciano67

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  • Birthday 01/18/1967

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    Bergamo, ITALY

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  1. Finally, after a long time I was able to continue my project. In this step I dedicated myself to painting and assembled tires. First step removing the chrome plating with Tamiya's paint remover from wheels After preparing the wheels with primer we move on to paint with the Tamiya Lacquer colors, to get the correct color I mixed the Flat Aluminum and small quantity of Gun Metal Now I can assemble the tires and wheels and install them on the model, rear and front no bad, I hope new updates soon... Regards, Ciano67
  2. Hi Fuijo, your Lancia 037 is very nice. Soon I will have to paint the wheels in my 037 custom project and I have a question for you: have you repainted the wheels? If yes which color did you use? regards Ciano67
  3. Hi Fuijo, thank you for your informations. In these days I was make the reinforce of front chassis: This is the carbon plate of reinforcment: For install the carbon plane I need to make a new support for front gearbox: This is the resoult: Now I install the reinforce on the chassis: The chassis is finish: Now I can proceed with the body... Stay tuned... Ciano67
  4. [Threads merged] Hello guys in my project of Lancia 037 custom chassis is my intention to utilize the Tamiya 037 original metal plated rims. Please check the post of my project https://www.tamiyaclub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/80692-lancia-037-with-df03ra-custom-chassis/ My opinion is that the color of Tamiya 037 wheels is a little slightly clear and I would like a darker rims color. Do you have any suggestions for repainting the Tamiya metal plated rims? Can I use Tamiya acrylic colors? Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks in advance, Ciano67
  5. In these days I have installed the battery holder to the chassis, Now I can stady the front chassis reinforcement. My idea is to make a carbon plate between steering columns and battery box Stay tuned...
  6. Hello guys, finally after long time I took a step forward in my project I made the plate for battery holder: left plate right plate upper plate all parts for battery holder I test to assemble the battery holder same details of battery holder I hope new updates in a short time.
  7. Good question, the lower chassis is made with carbon plate 2,5mm thick, but I also fear that a reinforcement is necessary between the battery box and the front gearbox. When I have completed the carbon plates for the battery box I will evaluate how to make the reinforce. thanks
  8. Hi Grastens, thank you for your kind words. I await updates on your build .
  9. I love Lancia 037. You have made a very nice work. I follow with interest
  10. Hello guys, test of assembled servo and receiver holder on lower chassis: assembled battery holder: rear gearbox: front gearbox lower chassis ready The next step is to make the carbon plates of battery holder. Stay tuned...
  11. Hello, some pictures of chassis constructions: Special work for the front gearbox support final result the lower chassis is ready: Now I can make a first test with gearbox and Battery holder... Updates in a short time.
  12. Now is time to make the lower carbon chassis, first of all I need to prepare che necessary safety tools: ok I can start.
  13. Hello guys, today I had time for my project. I mod the inner wheels, now the reinforcements no longer touch the upright. Before After you can see the differences I installed the connectors on the speed controller I made heat sinks for motor, Installed, no bad... Now the mechanic is ready, I can start to make the carbon lower chassis and battery holder plates I just received the carbon plates ... Happy New Year to all Ciano
  14. Juls1 thanks for your comments. The rear gearbox is already connected to the battery holder. I will need to connect the front gearbox to the battery holder, but I' will do it when the final lower chassis is ready, I have different options to connect them. I like to build and customize the models. I do not have a great feeling with the model drive but I think when the model will be finish I will do some test . Cheers, Ciano67
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