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About crispyandtherocketman

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  1. Hiya. Took plastic tube and glued rod inside then let it dry. Then rolled the tube on the edge of a bench undervachot hair dryer till it sags. The rod inside the tube stops it kinking.
  2. Hi guys Im Rocket, big brother to Crispy who I understand is a regular villain on here. We are currently building up to our own Tamiya recon force. My Humvees been around for a few years now, Crispy has another humvee and a Lightstrike in build and I managed to pick up a battered original XR311 back end of last year. The Humvee The XR311 Out of the box And under heavy Plasticard attack. Now the final version wont look anythinh like the original tamiya XR311. Ive been digging around in the picture archives and looked at so many test pictures of the beastie I see it in my sleep. Im heading for what i think it would have looked like if it had been accepted into service by the US special forces Thats it for now. More when I get some time.
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