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Carmine A

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About Carmine A

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/24/1964

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  • Location
    Tucson, AZ, USA

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  1. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š. I think so. It's become my "Fleet color". Everything but the Smokey and the Bandit Kenworth will be this color.
  2. FINALLY some more progress on this!!! Getting most of the LEDs fitted Easiest light bar I've ever built!! AND........ PAINT!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜Š Already painted the bottom black. The main colour is TS-50 Mica Blue. Just needs wet sanding and clearcoat. What does one DO with a roof cap that tall......?? Why... fit an oversized speaker, of course!! ๐Ÿ˜€ Hopefully, it should have more bass than your typical tiny truck speaker. Fits very well also! It's a 4" automotive speaker.
  3. Scraps..... bits from other kits..... and medical supplies! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜Ž I built my usual divider, from .040" ABS. Then mounted a Shotgun from my Axial Wraith kit! Built a raised centre floor, fit a shifter from the Wraith, acting as a manual Diff Lock... then glued a piece of parts tree (sprue) as the Gearbox Shift Rod, to be painted silver. The shifter boot......? I cut the tip off an insulator for an ear scope. ๐Ÿ˜œ Sometimes it pays to have Nurses coming to visit!!! Some black paint, and voilรก!
  4. Thanks Mate! I'm 'in', but still clueless! Creality was nice enough to give me 500g of PLA Filament.... so I could screw up a couple of small projects first. ๐Ÿ™„ I'm most worried about slicing. I've never done it before.... I'm going to try to watch as many videos as possible on the subject.
  5. @VagabondStarJXF that's sound advice! ๐Ÿ‘Œ Thank you. Thank everyone! It's time to "put up or shut up"..... because HERE it is! In my workshop, already making me nervous!!!
  6. Fitted the fuel tanks.... and thought about the gap, because of the stretched frame. My Knight Hauler had a spare Battery Box, so I fitted that behind one of the tanks. But now what to do with the other side? I don't have anything to put on the right side......
  7. @Howards awesome tip! I've got to try to get some of those hubs.
  8. Since, when I bought this kit 3 years ago, still had money, and KNEW this was going to be a custom Rig... I also bought several accessories and details. One of which is these LESU Mud Flaps set. They're nice, and substantial. BUT are they worth $27.00 [USD] Except for smaller screws (1.6mm YIKES!!), and alumininium flap mounts... they look very much like the Tamiya bits.... Here's the mud guards from my Knight Hauler... these are stock Tamiya parts. Got the Fuel Tanks done... don't know why, but these are my favorite type. Being Kaptain OCD.... I absolutely couldn't use JIS screws here! I used chrome hex head screws instead. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  9. Thanks @Beetlemankurt! ๐Ÿ˜Š I'm using the cold weather in my favor.
  10. @BuggyDad and @Honzathank you!!! Fortunately, living in Arizona, we just passed the "humid" season! And that only meant 20-40% max! The rest of the year, 15-20% will be considered high, 10% average. DRY will be the norm until next November... If filament needs to be kept dry, that will be easy around here!
  11. YES I DO! I bought a laptop, 3 years ago, LOTS of spare RAM and extra hard drive space... that I've only used for watching videos on.... just waiting for this moment!
  12. https://share.temu.com/Kodd4tjX4UC Closest link they would let me share from the app...
  13. THAT was sexy!!! Sometimes we forget that our RCs were often based on real, epic cars and trucks. I don't think there will ever be another 22B, or any WRX STi of quite that calibre. A couple came close, but that one, the Audi Quattro, and the Lancia Stratos, were legendary among legendary WRC cars!
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