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About Only4Fun

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  • Birthday 09/13/1963

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  1. @Busdriver It's still got speed but it won't win any races. 🙂👍
  2. So after running the Unimog a few times I decided to upgraded the motor and esc to a system more suitable for this kind of RC. Apologies for the sound quality.
  3. @superchief Thank you very much. I agree about the feel of the build and you describe it well. What mods have you done to yours?
  4. Finished except for a driver. Video on my channel 🙂👍
  5. All the other masks peeled off ok with a little help from a scalpel, except the last one. Typical ! A small bit of paint came off at the top of a corner window. This was another area near the windows I didn't go very near when I was initially rubbing it down and cleaning ready for painting. Because I don't want to mask everything up again and risk peeling more paint off I've put a bit of tape on the window and will spray the paint into it's lid and brush it on. It's a tiny area so it doesn't matter if the finish isn't perfect.
  6. @Willy iine When I first started painting bodies a friend recommended using the green side because it gives slight abrasion and helps the paint stick to the body. It's worked for me so far and I guess the paint peeled because that was an area I avoided. 🙂
  7. I left the masks on so I didn't mark the windows while I was fitting the metal mounts for the body magnets. I will take your advice the next time and remove them sooner rather than later 🙂👍
  8. Yes I used the green scouring side of kitchen sponge to lightly rub the body and then washed it with detergent. But I didn't rub the pillars because I didn't want to mark the windows. I folded some wet & dry and used the folded edge to rub down the paint and pillar for the touching in.
  9. Well the touching in looks ok. I'm a bit nervous about peeling off the other masks though 😬
  10. Unfortunately when I started to peel away the windscreen mask it pulled off some paint from the pillar. Luckily I have some spray paint left so I've rubbed it down and will touch it in. All part of the fun I guess 🙂👍
  11. Because this is only going to be used for trailing on woodland paths I decided to try my first "stealth" body which went well. I'm happy with how it looks
  12. @Willy iine Thank you. Apart from a driver I will probably leave it as it is. If it had a deep bed I would be more inclined to add some scale accessories.
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