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About Longrev

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  • Birthday 01/26/1974

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  1. Thanks!!! If someone is interested in buying them I would probably sell them. I don't have time to mess with them.
  2. Thanks my friends.. it sound like these are all custom built then. I really appreciate you guys helping me out. They have been sitting in boxes for a long time, and I always wondered what they were.
  3. What I would like to do is sell the whole lot to someone that has a passion for rc. The guy I got them said he used to race them.. So if anyone is interested in buying the whole lot let me know. There is more parts I can send pics of. Thanks
  4. That kinda makes sense. I have some MIP new old stock parts , and yes I think it was super pro. I got these along with a bunch of parts and motors and some that are still in the package. I got the one running with the old school transmitter. I will post a pic of that.
  5. I was wondering what this car is? I am looking to get rid of it and the whole lot of vintage parts. I have nos parts and tires. And bodies . Any help would be appreciated.
  6. I have pics of all the other parts and chassis.
  7. I was wondering what this car is? I am looking to get rid of it and the whole lot of vintage parts. I have nos parts and tires. And bodies . Any help would be appreciated.
  8. I think the coupe body is Parma.. definitely pre painted..
  9. Here is the next project.. ugh where to start?? I guess getting the suspension figured out... Second pic is the other car with the hot rod body on it..
  10. Here is the next project.. ugh where to start?? I guess getting the suspension figured out... Second pic is the other car with the hot rod body on it..
  11. As I was looking at the other parts I have, I am going to try and put together that other car and get it going.. Should be fun...
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