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About ThunderDragonCy

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  1. @svenb Glad we finally got it sorted. Looking forward to seeing the car
  2. Not sure on those. I have found a lot of these Hotshot upgrades don't fit great.
  3. That should be good. The esc is in front of the battery so the wires have to go that way anyway, and the battery is installed from the other side.
  4. No you can't. The supposed "large diameter wheels" are only 1.9". You need proper modern buggy 2.2" for the dual block tyres. 53881 is the rear. The wheels you have ordered can use CC01/2 tyres, and possibly BBX? Someone might have to confirm the BBX situation
  5. Because I do get a kick out of doing that. I like making stuff better. But I do see your point.
  6. Much wider front track than rear will take grop away from the front. That is what I want to fix by doing a build! Dammit I still don't know what to do!
  7. @Juggular Happy to have brought it to your attention. These are all the reasons why I like it. As for everyone else, if you missed my idea for the Hornet EVO, it would be to ditch the rear trans completely, and replace it with a Thundershot trans (2 gear mid as per original Hornet) and 3D printed suspension arms to fix the width but still use the old balloon style tyres. I think the front end is interesting and would potentially work great, so it would be cool, and I've never done the balloon tyre thing on any of my other conversions, but it really would be quite close to Ultra G. @Saito2 I think I might be leaning in the DT04 direction for all the reasons you mention, but the rear motor on the Hornet Evo does make my teeth itch, and I would really like to do it 'properly' in my eyes. Hmmm..... @BuggyDad Ha! You know me too well, and if I do pick up a DT04 the first thing to check is if a BBX trans fits! This is the thing: There are all these potential things that could be fun to muck about with. @kiasukid I have a fully hopped up DT03 truck, but I hardly ever drive it now. I really need to sell it, as I can't imagine buying the tube and body piecemeal will end up much cheaper than a whole DT04 kit, and I would get at least a chunk towards buying the DT04 by selling my DT03. I like that they have released the upgrade parts for the suspension and steering though. Everyone else, thanks for the thoughts. Keep 'em coming.
  8. Well, someone had to ask the obvious question! If you have noticed / read / put up with my other blathering you will know I have a Hornet Evo project in mind where I replace the whole rear end with something I designed. Designing it was fun, but it's definitely retreading some earlier paths for me. Although having a bolt on trans upgrade design for Hornet's and Grasshoppers might not be a bad thing in terms of selling a few? On the other hand, although it would initially just be a straight kit build, the DT04 has really got my attention. It looks great with the cage, and all of the things I didn't like about my dt03 have been addressed. Plus it has these tantalising potential.options like different trans mounting holes and lots of body options. I am kind of into the idea of the Hornet Evo 2, but I actually never hugely liked the Hornet body. And I would be disgarding the evo back end (although could probably sell easily). Not using design work isn't an issue as that was fun in itself. On the other hand Dt04 would just be a kit build which is a bit dull to me, but has unknown future potential. And looks good value in comparison too. Thoughts? Which would you go for (for your own reasons)?
  9. These two things. When I got back into rc in 2017 all I wanted to do was get brushless, and I did. But that was when you could pick up decent Speed Passion motors for 30 quid and on nimh they would run ok on the tamiya esc in the box if it was a light 2wd buggy. Fast forward to fitting 13.5 or 10.5 motors to things like my Thunder Dragon and the tamiya ESCs melt. But after buying cheapo knock off ESCs that were terrible or also melted, or "cheap" sensorless systems that have no subtlety or throttle control (IMO) I ended up buying Hobbywing escs. They are great, but even a 10BL60 and a surpass Rocket these days would run you over 70 quid. Then I started on road racing in Iconic and I had to use the Iconic brushed motor and a 1060 esc. By now I am on lipo that are minimum 5000mah and the performance is delightful (motor is about 17t so it's plenty fast) and although brushless is more efficient, my lipos will run a brushed motor touring car for over an hour at the track, and one of my brushed motor buggies for 45 mins at the astro track. That's longer than my brain can concentrate on driving! And with a pukka 1060 esc and shopping around for a decent motor your electronics cost under 40 quid. I think the maintenance is a bit over egged too. I have some rebuild able motors, and the Reedy vintage one has a reputation for eating brushes. It came to me used and I probably need to change them now, but that is after probably 20 hours of running. Or over 2 years in ownership terms. YMMV but I can't make the value proposition for brushless anymore now I have good lipo batteries.
  10. Not sure about the 02, but they moved away from that idea for the 03. The carbon tower for that was a facsimile of the kit part with one extra hole for adjustment.
  11. Biggest change you could make is going to a shorty lipo battery if you can get one to fit. Easily save 100 grams over most other batteries, and if it's possible to move it around you can play with fore aft weight distribution.
  12. I had some similar inboard pivots made for my buggies with the blue thundershot arms to help the flexy arms whilst still getting camber links. Works well and super easy to design for you Kevin.
  13. If it had to be tamiya I would suggest trying to get 51261 or 54338 front wheels which are wider than the kit wheels, then try some 53088 square spike fronts with some foam inserts in them. If you're allowed to modify the tyres, probably trim the spikes a little. Or trying some Dual Block C fronts. Both would need some testing though as neither is ideal for astro.
  14. Re-tubbed Ultra Hornet. Side bumper tabs broke ages ago, but had a nice zen hour or so rebuilding the car.
  15. Replaced the tub on Ultra Hornet. The side tabs on the bumper broke ages ago and it had become an increasing problem. I have had the tub a month or so but only just got round to it. Seems such an effort for an otherwise perfectly functional buggy! Was actually a nice zen hour or so.
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