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About K-RAD

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  1. That still leaves OP1 and 2 I saw that post, I hoped someone figured it out since '07
  2. Nothing happens, otherwise I would not have asked
  3. You're understanding it wrong Step 12 is turning the hazard lights on, which is letting you know that OP1,2,3 can be activated by steps 13,14,15
  4. The hazard lights blinking all the time show that OP1,2 can be activated, but nothing says what they actually are or do
  5. Anyone figure out what OP1, OP2, OP3 do? Also there's a Game A, B, C
  6. I charged the battery and now it seems to work. Really weird. I'll do more testing
  7. There is like a buzzing sound, which I've mentioned in my first post as well, but was told above it's the servo
  8. I will recharge the battery tomorrow just to be safe, but it makes no sense to me that it would cut it when changing to low/high without even throttle, but it wouldn't cut it while actually running on medium gear
  9. Biggest issue I seem to have is the the engine dies when switching to low or high gear. And not just the sound, but the throttle. Switching to medium gear will start the engine and it will run fine tho
  10. I'm finishing building my Tundra (my first RC so I got nothing to compare to) and as you can hear in the video, it makes some electric buzzing sounds when shifting or steering, and a high pitched sound when running. Is that normal? And also shown at the end, the engine "dies" very often when shifting gears In case it matters, receiver turnigy 9x w/ er9x, steering futaba s3010, shifting futaba s3003. I did teach the transmitter after I reset it to default. I don't know if resetting to default works, cause it doesn't do anything/give any feedback like I saw the MFC-03 to do for example Edit: did more testing and I actually realized that it will not even run on low or high gear, when the engine dies, it totally dies Posting another video in a reply below
  11. I used brand new brushes, one for micro set, one for micro sol. And I did apply a couple coats of semi-gloss clear before. One thing I did not do is allow them to dry, I just added micro set to the body, then right away I added the decal, dabbed the paper towel and then micro sol right away. I did not seal it yet with another coat of clear
  12. So I applied some water slide decals few days ago, and some of the white ones have areas where they are blue-ish, instead of white, like they haven't dried yet. But it's been a few days and I guess they are as dry as they'll ever be. Any idea what I can do, any way to fix it? I tried applying more micro set and micro sol on one of them, it ended up being blue even more, until I just had to remove it altogether. Pics here http://imgur.com/a/t0m6M Process I used to apply them was: brush micro set on body area, add decal, use a napkin to remove the extra liquid, add micro sol on top and rub with a cotton swab until dry and without bubbles
  13. So I should disable the cutoff at 3700 that I set in the charger's settings? Will it know when to stop when doing the cycle?
  14. I didn't know when I bought it, cause I got the Tundra and MFC from him as well, and it was my first RC car
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