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About sumo1977

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  1. looking for a set of astute front tires 53048, does any one have some nip ones. thanks
  2. well she got finished off yesterday and this morning new A,B,D,F and R parts, new wheels and radio gear fitted. left the original electrics as i wanted to leave them in place for the retro look. just the TBG body, body parts and decals to be done. very happy bunny.
  3. tried to get some 959 decals from pc-rc-world off of ebay. they never turned up and no responce to messages. had to get my money back. if this is in the wrong place sorry. james
  4. the parts from shapeway are a1, highly recommend them.
  5. i looked just about every where for new rally tires and couldn't find any. in the end i got a great set of used tires and rims from a member on here but through ebay (crash-chris) very good ebayer and fast postage. give him a shout and see if he can get some for you.
  6. will the hi-torque servo saver (51000) fit the avante as the servo saver steps backwards towards the servo (pic below) and get rid of some of the slop from the normal servo saver? thanks.
  7. also got the bits from shapeways for the front and rear suspention. very impressed just need to drill the holes out with a 3.2mm bit and they fit like a dream. if you need non origianal bits these are very good. more soon once the rear gearbox case gets here.
  8. right got some more bits today so was able to get the front done. new a parts and b parts fitted
  9. that is it for the moment i will post some more (with pics) once other bits come in the post. hope the come soon, i so want this to be done so i can play. thanks everyone more soon.
  10. these are some of the new parts that will be fitted along with new A + D parts. a new repo tbg body and interior, repo rothmans decals. big shout out to sparkysx from these forums for all of the boby part you saved me a lot of time.
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