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About Ray_ve

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  • Birthday September 14

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  • Location
    Friesland, the Netherlands
  • Interests
    Marui, Tamiya, electronics, robotics.

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  1. There was a nice show of static models and their builders/owners close to my house. Resistance is futile to not pick up a souvenir.
  2. The past weeks the Ray-cave has been a big mess due to attic insulation work. Now that I have my workbenches and equipment set-up again, it is time to sort out and re-organise all my electronics hobby stuff which is about 1 big closet full. So far, that has taken op 2 weekends already! Maybe I have a bit too much materials...... We all know how a hobby can get out of hand don't we... Hopefully, I can finish that this weekend, and than it's on to the next closet which is all the RC cars stuff.
  3. Came across this: https://www.reddit.com/r/rccars/s/8OhWoKei3e
  4. Used to do a lot with cars. I had, at some time or another, 3 classic Mini's. And 3 Alfa Romeo's. So my toolbox is quite filled given the reputation of those 2 types of car. The mini's were nice and simple. Take out the motors, rebuild motor and gearboxes, tune, make mistakes, welding the rust away, good times! And only 2 out of 3 of the Alfa's overheated so that's a good score. But these days, being married and a kid, I just drive a sensible, practical, economical and most important of all a reliable (!) Dacia Logan MCV. Small jobs I still do, but maintenance and bigger repairs I now leave to the local garage. I've got better things to do...
  5. Got a Marui Samurai, Galaxy RS and Big Bear to finish. BBX and Hornet EVO on the wish-list. Rebuild the basher, it looks like it's been through a lot. leaking shock oil everywhere. Make the astromech droid smart with sensors and navigation. But I first need to finish the attic insulation section I'm working on and rebuild my workspace that had to be removed for this job.
  6. Basher touched some dog-stuff too. I could not see any particles on the car but the smell was there so it sat in the shed for a month to air out. Best to stay on the pavement.
  7. With christmas over, I can now do what I want to do! Work on the cars, do electronics projects, what not! At least, that was the plan.... I'm busy clearing up the Ray-cave as it's as mess from storing stuff while I was busy doing insulation work.... Sorting projects, putting it in boxes and helping my wife clearing up the christmas decorations. Someday I will have time for my projects...... hopefully... some... day....
  8. I use cheap 2.4GHz 3-channel sets from AliExpress. 2 Transmitters and multiple receivers. Paid maybe 25 euros per set, seperate receivers are typically less than 10 euros.
  9. I'm sure my wife will have a Todo list hidden somewhere. What I really need to do is get on with the insulation of the attic, 7/12th there and I should be able to get to 10/12th but that requires removing my hobby area in the Ray-cave for a few days. Hopefully I can do some work of the Maruti Samurai, it has been sitting for a while now and only requires a few hours of work.... In theorie....
  10. The one that was the most work, as a shelf 'Hail to the king'.
  11. Two differential gears for the TNX. The old ones still work, but I know they are on their way out so some spares are now on the shelf.
  12. Stuffed the Astromech with an Arduino controller, bluetooth board and motor control boards. A very tight squeeze, as inside room is very limited. Its body would not close fully but enough to make a test drive. Loaded a simple tank steering and head control program. One Playstation 5 stick controls the drive, left and right trigger switches the head movement. It's a nice droid, for further expansions I will need to modify it's internal layout to make more room.
  13. Stripped the Astromech down to parts to see what is what, and prepare for new electronics, in preperation for its RC conversion. It has quite an impressive array of sensors and electronics for a 'toy', must have cost a pretty penny back in its days…. Head: Piezo knock sensor Ultrasonic ranging sensor 2x microphone left/right Red/blue indicator LED White flashlight LED PIR sensor Rotation mechanism head/body: Optical encoder disc with 2x optical gate for left/right turn angle detection 1x optical gate for forward gheading detection motor Body: 1x microphone 1x speaker push button red LED Legs: 1 motor each, gearbox, 1 drive wheel. I have a basic test setup 'tank steering' electronics with an Arduino MEGA, USB bluetooth reciever and USB shield, and a dual motor drive shield. Remote control is via a Playstation 5 controller and bluetooth, so more functions can be added in time. Plan for now is to retain and use the original battery box in the back of the body. 4xAA cells for the electronics, 4xD cells for motors.
  14. I'm trying to do a different approach on RC control. Offcourse, we all know the various transmitters we have and use, but I thought I'd try to make an RC control system using a bluetooth playstation controller and an Arduino microcontroller board. This would be great for small RC that you can use in the living room or close to the house. The many analog sticks and pushbuttons on a playstation controller, combined with the flexibility of the microcontroller's expandible and programmable functions, allow for various possibilities to control throttle, steering, lights, servo's and actuators, play sounds, you name it. This would be a nice way to control the R2D2 Astromech I got.
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